Giacomo - Enemies to Lovers

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Giacomo x Female Reader

For him, it started when [Name] challenged his base. He hated that she was challenging his base, planning to take them down. [Name] was a threat to him and his friends. It didn't matter how beautiful she looked, how he admired her strength, her courage as she took down wave after wave of his team's pokemon with just her Mankey, Crocalor, and Gastly.

And then when [Name] took down his pokemon, well. He knew he should hate her. He should be pissed that she took his star badge, but damn did it take guts for her to take down a Star Base all by herself, and he admired [Name] for it. He didn't want to watch her walk away, off to take down one of his other friends.

Luckily, Team Star kept each other updated on all their happenings at each base. When [Name] took down Mellie, Melle applauded her tenacity and sent a photo of the two of them together. Giacomo felt his heart wrench when he saw the pain on [Name]'s face from Mellie gripping her hand too hard. Atticus thought she was a lovely young lady, butGiacomo hated how close the two were in their photo. Ortega thought [Name] was a buzzkill and annoying, and those words made Giacomo want to throttle the squirter neck. And Eri just couldn't stop gushing about how nice [Name] was. "Well yea, [Name]'s pretty awesome." Giacomo answered back.

Giacomo watched from afar as [Name] grew stronger and stronger and watched her team grow along with her. The night he watched [Name] battle Penny was the night it all clicked into place for him.

"Wow, her team sure has grown.. I remember when her Annihilape was just a Mankey!" Mellie laughed. "Her Gengar is strong too, that pokemon basically wiped my whole team!" Ortega added. Everyone was watching the battle with rapt attention, but none more so than Giacomo. Of course, he wanted to cheer for Penny, but he just couldn't tear his gaze away from [Name]. She was fighting with all she had in her, and she still looked beautiful in his eyes.

"Momo?" Mellie waved her hand in front of his face. "Huh? What? Aren't ya watchin the match?" He asked, turning his gaze back to his friends, but they were all smirking at him. "Oh, we are, but you seem to only have eyes for [Name] down there." Ortega pointed out. Giacomo felt his cheeks flush. "I think your dark types and her ghost types would work well together Momo!" Eri chimed in. "Hey now! Who said-" Giacomo tried to defend himself, but Atticus interrupted. "Everyone is quite correct, Giacomo. Thou should not hide thine feelings for this young maiden." "Guy's look!" Eri brought everyone's attention back to the fight. Both Penny's Sylveon and [Name]'s Gengar were terrastalized. But [Name]'s Gengar was faster, landing a critical, super effective gunk shot and knocking Penny's Sylveon out in one blow. The match was over.

After the match, after the director dished out Team Star's "punishments," everyone was celebrating and talking to Penny, but Giacomo was focused on [Name]. She was talking to the director, but she looked tired. Her eyes met his, and she smiled softly. Both of them had a tinge of pink on their cheeks. "That will be all for tonight, Miss [Name]. Why don't you go to your dorm and get some rest. Come by my office tomorrow." "Will do, goodnight Director Clavell." She smiled and waved at the group before heading back inside the school.

Giacomo must have been staring for a long time because now Penny was sidling up to him. "So I hear you have a crush on [Name]?" Giacomo's face reddened again. "What? Where'd you hear that?" Penny raised an eyebrow, "Doesn't take a genius to see the way you look at her Momo." She patted his shoulder, "I think she likes you too y'know." "What!?" He jumped back from her. "After every raid, she would ask Casseiopeia, and even Clyde about you, and how you were doing." Giacomo's head was spinning. Honestly, he hadn't even realized he had those kind of feelings for [Name]. Suppose it all made sense though. He thought about her a lot. He was jealous of his own friends who interacted with her. Holy Arceus, he had a crush on her. The girl who had helped take down Team Star.

Penny took in his shocked expression and sighed. "You're just now realizing? Look Momo, this isn't really my business, but if you want her, I'd go for her soon. I heard Arven's developed a crush on her too."

Once Penny told him that, Giacomo spiraled. He wanted desperately to see [Name] and tell her how he felt before it was too late. Though, what chance did he have against Arven. The professor's son, great cook, and no delinquent background. Maybe [Name] would like him more.

He hadn't seen [Name] or Penny for that matter in a few days. He and the rest of Team Star were getting worried. Giacomo had been up for every night she was gone tinkering with his music.

At about 7pm, his phone rang, and he jolted out of bed to answer it. It was Penny. "Boss!? I mean.. Penny!? Where have you been!?" He heard Penny laughing on the other line. "Momo! Sorry, some friends needed help, so I was gone. But that's not why I called you. I have an update on Arven and [Name]." Giacomo felt his face pale, and his hands were shaking. "What?" "Arven asked her out." It felt like all the breath had left his lungs. "O-oh...well, good for them. I bet Arven's sure happy about that..." Giacomo mumbled. "She said no. So go get her."

Giacomo stood outside [Name]'s dorm room, tapping his foot nervously. He was going to do it. He was going to tell her how he felt. Should he be shaking this bad? Probably. Giacomo took a deep breath and knocked. "Come in!" He heard her sweet voice from the other side. He gulped and walked in.

[Name] was sitting on her bed, looking over a history textbook. "Uh, am I interrupting your study time?" She looked up from her book and smiled wide at the sight of him, "Giacomo! Hey! Uh, no, just doing some research about some old pokemon." She closed the book and sat on the edge of the bed, patting the spot beside him. He took the seat, their shoulders almost touching. "Hey, just call me Momo, it's what friends call me." He smiled. She smiled back, "Ok Momo, did you need something?" "Sorta. I saw you and some of the others were gone for a while, everything ok?" He asked. [Name] nodded a little, "Arven will need some time away for awhile..but we're all ok." Giacomo nodded as the two lapsed into a silence. "Hey Momo?" She finally broke the silence. "Yea?" "Are you and Team Star mad at me..? Y'know for being part of operation starfall.." Giacomo's eyes widened and turned to look at her. [Name] had her head down and was twiddling her fingers nervously. He couldn't stand to see her like that. Without thinking, he moved his arm around her and placed his hand on her farthest shoulder from him, and smiled. She looked up at him with wide eyes and unshed tears. "Hey, we ain't mad. I guess when you first started taking us down, we were mad. But after talking to the director and Penny, we get why you guys did it. We all actually really like you, I know Eri and Mellie want to get to know you better. So chin up, alright?" Hr leaned down to bump his forehead against hers and smiled.

[Name] blinked a few times before smiling, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. "Ok Momo, thank you. I really like you too.." Both of them froze. [Name] realized what she said, and her face burned from embarassment. "I-I MEAN! I like all of you in Team Star!" She laughed nervously and tried to pull herself away from Giacomo, but was unsuccessful. He used his grip on her shoulder to keep her in place, using his forehead to nudge her head up to look at him. "[Name] I like you, as more than a friend. I have for a long time now. So..would you wanna go out with me sometime?" He had a look of hope in his eyes.

[Name] stared at him wide-eyed before smiling wide and leaning into him, "I'd love that.."

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