Sakura - Tea Time

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Requested by Vulturelord98

Sakura x shy male Reader

You stood outside of the Ecrutek tea gardens awkwardly. You shuffled in place nervously. You had been coming to the tea garden for a few months now, all to see her. But you were always too nervous to talk to her. "Come on [name], you can do this..!" You tried to pep yourself up, but your feet still wouldn't move. 'Jump?' Your partner Jumpluff jumped onto your head and made itself comfortable there. "I know..she's just so pretty...everytime I see her I lose my nerve.." you mumbled.

"Excuse me? Do you need help?" A sweet voice asked behind you. And you nearly jumped a foot in the air. Your face became entirely red as you turned around and saw her. A girl who was the same age as you with fuchsia colored hair pulled into pigtails and gorgeous blue eyes, an Espeon at her side. Sakura, the youngest of the Kimono sisters, but the one you would exclusively come to see.

You came to the tea garden almost everyday just to see her. She was the only girl whoever really noticed you and talked to you. While everyone else went straight for the other kimono girls to be entertained, you had always stayed behind to meet with Sakura, but she never seemed to remember you. This was something you were sadly used to.

You shook your head furiously. "N-no! I-i just came for the tea ceremony..." you mumbled, staring at your feet. You were too nervous to meet her eyes. "Oh! You're back for more tea?" Your head snapped up and eyed widened. "W-what?" She smiled brightly and your heart sped up. "You're the boy who comes on everyday! You're also the only one who requests my time. You must really like my tea!" 'Espe!' Her pokemon mewled. Your face was red, 'It's not the tea' you thought to yourself. "Y-you remember me?" Your Jumpluff jumped off your head and into your arms. Sakura took a step closer, "Of course I do! Like I said, you're the only one who requests me. And you're so nice! I could never forget you!"

You hid your face in you Jumpluffs back. You never really spoke, how could she know you're nice? "Well do you still want tea? I just need to change then I can meet you at the usual spot?" She asked, now standing next to you. You nearly jumped again when you noticed here there. "Y-yes, fine, o-ok!" You stammered out, earning a giggle from Sakura. Your head felt all floaty at the sound. "Great! Go on in and take a seat, I'll be out with everything soon!" She waved and walked off. You gulped and made your way to the small table under a large tree in the garden.

Sakura got to the dressing room and smiled wide, gaining the attention of her sisters. Koume grinned at her, "I take it he's back?" She asked, and the other sisters gathered around. "He's here again!?" "Of course he is, he does come just about every day!" "Maybe he'll finally ask our little sister out!" "You guuuys!" Sakura whined out with red cheeks. "I don't even know his name!" "He also doesn't talk much, from you told us." "I think he's just shy. Just be yourself Sakura. He comes all the time for a reason right?" Satsuki told her, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Now let's get you dressed to see him!"

You waited anxiously under the tree. You fiddled with your fingers. You so desperately wanted to ask Sakura out, but everytime you thought you had finally gotten the courage to do it, words failed you. You sat up straight again once you saw Sakura coming. She now had on a pink and red kimono, and even though she had a wig on now, you recognized her eyes and smile. The same smile that gave you butterfrees and made you extremely nervous. "Hi there! Sorry if I kept you waiting!" She sat down at the table with her tray, beginning to put the tea together.

She told you about her pokemon and how she planned on going on a journey throughout Johto, some friends that she made a while ago, and about her training with her Espeon. You drank the tea she prepared and listened with rapt attention. You loved hearing about her life and everything she wanted to do, it just made you fall even harder for her everytime.

Almost all the tea and tea cakes were gone by the time she finished. "You're a really great listener.." She commented, looking away with a tinge if pink on her cheeks. Your face flushed, "Y-you're just interesting..i-i like listening to you talk.." you mumbled quietly. Sakura nodded, "Well what about you? I..I don't even know your name.." Your eyes widened and you nearly choke on your tea. You never told her your name!? Sakura patted your back softly, a look of concern on her face. "Are you alright?" She asked. You rapidly nodded.

"[Name]...m-my name is [name]..." you finally blurted out. Sakura smiled, "[Name]..." She let the name roll off her tongue. Your name sounded so sweet coming from her voice. It just made your blush worse. She smiled and nodded, "Well It's nice to officially meet you [Name]. When will I see you again?" "I-I...J-Jumpluff and I can come back tomorrow...?" Sakura smiled brightly, "Great! I can't wait! We'll..I'll see you tomorrow!"

With everyday you spent at the tea garden with Sakura, the deeper your feelings for her became and the mire confident you got. You didn't just listen to her anymore. I mean you did listen, but now you also added to the conversation. You talked more without her having to prompt you into it.

Finally, after another month, you decided you were going to do it. Ask Sakura to meet up outside of the tea garden and tell her how you feel. You took a deep breath and entered the yea garden, sitting at your usual spot. Soon enough Sakura came with a different look on her face than usual. "Hey [Name]!" She put the tray down, "H-hi Sakura.." She smiled sweetly and sat down. She prepared the tea as normal. It was now or never, "S-sakura..?" She looked up at you, "Yes?" Your face was red, but you forced yourself to meet her eyes. "D-do you..I-I mean would you...want
..sometime..?" You forced out. You felt like you were sweating bullets. Sakura stared at you, mouth agape. Her hands preparing the tea stilled. "Really..?" She quietly asked. You nodded, "B-but it's ok if you don't want to! I-I won't be mad and I'll still come by for tea!" You waved your arms frantically. But you stopped when you heard Sakura's musical laughter. "[Name] of course I want to go out with you!" "R-really?" "Of Coudersport, I've been hoping you'd ask..if you didn't ask today, I was going to ask you..."

Her response gave you another boost of confidence, "I-I really like you Sakura! I look forward to coming to talk to you everyday! T-to me, you're the most beautiful thing in this garden..." Sakura's face flushed pink. "S-sorry if that was too much..." you mumbled. But Sakura reached over and took your hand gently, "I like you too [Name]'re so sweet and understanding..I noticed you right away when you came here the first day." You both smiled shyly at eachother. "S-so when can I take you out..?"


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