Morty - Past Mistakes

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Requested by zozocibib

Morty x Male Reader

You had one job. All you needed to do was stand guard outside the Ecruteak Theatre and stop that meddling kid from interfering, should have been easy. You and your comrade weren't even supposed to be here. You were supposed to be on an important mission, but he wanted to check out the dance theatre and begged you to keep watch for that kid. You even had your trusty Gastly with you, but it must have been off causing mischief, because it did not alert you to an encroaching presence. 

A hand came over your mouth and pinned both your hands behind your back. Your body freezing up as you're held in place. The scent of eucalyptus floods your senses as a husky voice whispered in your ear, "What's Team Rocket doing here?" the voice, a guy, asked. Your eyes darted around, desperately looking for your partner. But only seeing a young girl with a Bayleef running into the theatre. You recognized her as the trainer giving your team trouble. You had to warn the grunt inside. "Hey hey, answer my question." He removed his hand and your voice shook as you answered. "J-just wanted to see the Kimono Girls! That's it I swear!" The guy didn't answer, but after a moment he released you. 

You quickly moved away and turned around, trying to get a good look at who it was who caught you. You're face paled. It was Morty, the ghost type gym leader of Ecruteak. "G-Gastly!" You called out for your pokémon. Morty cocked an eyebrow, "Gastly?" Luckily your pokemon heard you and appeared next to you, 'Gas?' You smiled in relief at your partner, "Go get Ichiro! We need to leave!" 'Gas!' Your Gastly sped off, through the walls of the theatre. "I-I'm sorry we'll leave right away!" "You don't act like the other members of Team Rocket?" Morty questioned, tilting his head at you. You paled, "Well.."

The theatre doors slammed open, and your grunt partner Ichiro ran out and immediately caught sight of you. "[Name]! We gotta go!" He grabbed your arm as you were dragged away, your Gastly not far behind. You didn't look back, just relieved to get away from the, admittedly handsome, gym leader.

You and Ichiro had retreated to Mahogany Town in the secret base. Ichiro went back out to fufill his mission alone, a punishment for goofing off. You and Gastly were left on one of the bunks, and pondered Morty's question. Why you were in Team Rocket? You reached under your pillow, pulling out a picture of a young girl. She looked just like you, but younger and more feminine. She was smiling at the camera and holding a stuffed Spinarak close. Your little sister Hana. She was why you worked for Team Rocket. You two were raised solely by your father, with your mom passing away while giving birth to Hana. Your father had a terrible gambling addiction and ended up owing  Team Rocket a lot of money. So he left. You were 12 and Hana was only 6. Since you were old enough to go on a journey, you were old enough to payback your father's debt. So to pay it off, you worked for Team Rocket. Now you were 19 and Hana 12. You worked as hard as you could not only for Hana to not have to work for Team Rocket too, but to be able to afford an apartment for her to live in and go to school. She was why you were in Team Rocket, even though you hated it.

Luckily for you, your suffering didn't have to last too much longer. A month later, Team Rocket was taken down by the female trainer and was disbanded. Your father's debt was dissolved and you were free for the first time 7 years. You took up a job at the Ecruteak Theatre, serving tea to the customers while they watched the kimono girls dance. It paid well and Hana was able to stay and watch the dancers after school while you worked. The Kimono girls had even taken a liking to Hana and would teach her the dances as you cleaned up.

You both enjoyed your lives in Ecruteak City, but you had hoped by being here you would run into Morty again. His face popped up in your mind a lot. Even though you were Team Rocket, he didn't take you to the police, and seemed to be able to tell that you weren't with the team by choice. He seemed so kind, the thought of him made you blush. You only met Morty once, but you had a crush on him. "[Name], can we go home?" Hana came by and asked. "Oh go on home you two! You were great today [Name]!" You smiled and nodded thanks as you walked out with Hana.

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