N - Beach Comber

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Requested by iip1plupp

N x GN Reader

You walked to the beat of the song, playing through your headphones. Your bag swinging with every step, the empty jars inside clanging around noisily, disturbing the peaceful night. Your Herdier panting happily beside you to keep up.

It was close to midnight in Undella Town. For months, you had been making a habit of going out to the beach every night when the rest of your hometown was fast asleep in their beds, and you combed the beaches. For what exactly? Anything you and Herdier could find. You had acquired a massive collection of shells, sea glass, the old discarded teeth of various pokémon, and a few fossils. You also, of course, collect trash that you found along the beach.

Honestly, the amount of trash you found every night was disgusting. You would leave the beaches with at least two bags of assorted trash which you would properly dispose of upon arriving home. You firmly believed in the concept of leaving things cleaner than how you found them.

Before stepping into the sand, you removed your sandals and slipped them into your bag. As soon as your toes hit the sand, you took a deep calming breath. You had always loved the ocean. The scent of the salty sea air soothed you instantly and carried all your worries away on the wind.

You looked down at Herdier, "Ready?" It yipped before putting its nose to the ground, snuffling, and taking off down the beach. You followed after it, taking your time, knowing your partner wouldn't go far without you.

The night went on like normal. Herdier would either bark to alert you to something he had found or bring over an item he had found. The bag at your side got heavier with each new addition to your collection. Suddenly, Herdier's ears perked up. You removed a part of your headphone from your ear and stared at your pokémon quizzically. "What is it?" You asked. Herdier barked and took off down the beach and past a sand dune. "Wait!" You dropped your headphones, so they hung around your neck, the music still blasting as you ran. Herdier had never run from your sight before, and the fact that he was now was setting your nerves on fire.

The sand slowed you down significantly, but you were able to eventually run past the dune, stopping short. You were breathing hard from the exertion of running through sand, and your heart was pounding, but it pounced harder at the sight in front of you.

A young man about your age sat on a large piece of driftwood on the beach. He had long spring green hair tied back into a ponytail with a black and white baseball hat on top. He wore a white dress shirt over a black t-shirt, and beige jeans rolled up to about the middle of his shins. His feet were bare, and you could see a pair of sneakers on the driftwood next to him.

Your Hedier had its front paws on his knee as the man petted him softly. You shook your head, trying to shake away the nervousness you suddenly felt. "Herdier!" You called out and walked quickly towards them. The man looked up and focused his gaze on you. "Is this your friend Herdier?" He asked. Herdier yipped and ran back over to you. You kneeled and held your hand out to him. "You scared me... don't run off like that without me, ok?" Herdier responded by licking your hand.

You looked up from your partner to thank the man for keeping an eye on Herdier, but he was gone. You eyed the footsteps in the sand he must've left.


A week later, you were back on the beach, headphones on, and scoping out the sand for any treasures. It was like any other night. You and Herdier walked down the coast collecting anything you could find and picking up discarded trash left by previous beachgoers.

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