Kieran - Friends? Pt. 1

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Requested by CorrineGlaceon

Kieran x Female Reader

A/N: There will be spoilers to the Teal Mask DLC in here!!

You jumped in your seat on the plane, excited to land in Kitakami. Your older brother, Atticus, watched you with a smile on his face. "Art thou excited [Name]?" He asked you, patting your head. Atticus was only a little older than you. You were nine while Atticus was eleven. The two of you would be starting at Naranja Academy soon, so this was one more vacation before school started. You turned to look at him with wide sparkling eyes, "Yes! What are we going to do when we land!?" You asked. "We shall find our humble abode for the duration of our time here. Then mother and father will allow us to explore this land." You looked out the window, "I can't wait!"

As soon as your family landed, you let out your pokémon. A small silvery-white Eevee. It shook out its fur happily as it was released. Once you and your family put your things in the rooms you'd be staying in, your father kneeled down to your level. "Alright [Name], you and Atticus can explore Kitakami to your hearts content. It's not very big, but stay with your brother ok?" You looked over to see your mom giving the same talk to Atticus. "Ok papa! Atticus let's go!" You ran over, Eevee at your heels, to grab Atticus' hand. "I am coming!" Atticus laughed, allowing himself to be pulled by you.

Atticus lead you straight to the visitor's center and walked up the woman at the desk. "Pardon me my good lady?" The woman behind the desk turned around and smiled. "My what a polite young man! How can I help you both today?" You shyly hid behind your brother, Eevee watching from its spot on your head. "Mine sister and I are visiting thine humble land and desire to see all thy has to offer here." You giggled a little at your brother's speech. You had no idea where he picked it up, but it was one of your favorite things about him.

The woman reached over to a stand of brochures and plucked one out, handing it to Atticus. "A map of Kitakami with some areas you can check out. Oh! And the Mask Festival is coming up! You could check that out as well!" You and Atticus thanked her before leaving the center.

You walked out ahead of Atticus with your Eevee, excited to do some exploring. But as soon as you exited the center, you heard a voice. "Kiki come on!" A girl with long dark hair was running towards you, but not paying attention, and neither were you. "Look out!" Atticus called out, but too late. The girl collided with you, knocking you over. You managed to catch yourself, but scraped up your hands and knees.

Tears pricked at your eyes, and before you knew what happened, you were bawling. "Sis what did you do!?" Another voice called out, a boys now. "What!? She got in my way!" You kept crying and felt your Eevee lick at your tears. "H-hey are you ok?" The new voice asked. You finally looked up and wiped away your tears. It was a boy who looked about your age, with the same dark hair that fell slightly over his eyes. You shook you head furiously and continued crying.

The boy kneeled beside you, "I-I can help?" He offered. Behind you, you could hear Atticus scolding the girl. You blinked at the boy, he also looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he was holding it back. "H-how?" You asked. The boy helped you sit back, "Hold out your hands." You did as he asked and he took your hands in his, blowing on the scrapes softly. You were mesmerized. You watched him carefully with wide eyes as he did the same to your scraped knees.

The pain subsided and you stared at him, sniffling, "I-it doesn't hurt anymore!" You exclaimed, finally smiling again. "My grandma does that when I get scrapes..." The boy responded quietly. "Th-thank you!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him in a hug. The boys face reddened, but he hugged you back. "Um, I'm Kieran..." He mumbled You smiled, "I'm [Name]! My brother and I are visiting from Paldea!"

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