Zoey - Driving

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Requested by KanadeDivinia263

Zoey x GN Reader

You and supporting characters are about 17 in this story.

Song: Driving by Tyler Shaw

You stared out the window of the car, focusing on driving in this weather. The rain was pounding down as the city passed by quickly. Your Chimchar and your girlfriend's Glameow were sleeping in the back seat. You kept your eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel, the other holding her hand over the console of the car. "Hey, you ok?" She asked, staring at you worriedly. You smiled and spared a glance at her. "Never better." She smiled back and looked back out the passenger window. You thought back to all the events leading up to this night.

It all started years ago, when you had decided to go to a concert your mother had expressly forbade you to go to. She liked to control you, though you never could quite figure out why. Maybe since your father died, she thought she could stop that from happening to you too, but it was smothering. You hated it. You resented her.

But contests, contests were your favorite thing to watch. You would sneak out of your home in Hearthome all the time to go see the contests.

'Chimchar!' Your partner exclaimed in your arms. You laughed, "Yea, they'll be out soon. I wonder who's competing today." Then your face heated up, "I wonder if she'll be here.." You mumbled to no in particular. She, was Zoey. Your favorite coordinator in the sinnoh region. She was beautiful, graceful, and super talented. You adored each contest she was in, even if she didn't win them all.

"Please welcome to the stage, Zoey!" The announcer called. You tightened your grip on your Chimchar, just a bit, as Zoey walked out with her Glameow. You watched with adoration for the rest of the contest as they performed, her Glameow standing out amongst all the other pokémon in your eyes. "The winner of this contest is....Zoey and her Glameow!" You stood up immediately and applauded for the young coordinator as she gracefully stepped up to the stage to receive her ribbon.

After the contest, you were about to head back home before your mother realized you were gone, when you were stopped by a friend of yours, another coordinator. "Hey [Name]!" Chimchar wriggled in your arms, so you turned to see your friend. "Hey Cecilia! You and Buizel were great!" Cecilia smiled and laughed, "Not as great as Zoey, though. You were watching, right?" Cecilia gave you a knowing smile, making your face redden. She was the only person who knew about your crush on Zoey, but you made her swear not to meddle. She also knew about your relationship with your mom.

"So there's this after party for the coordinators tonight, come with me?" She asked with big eyes. You looked around nervously as if your mother could pop out at any moment to drag you away. "I don't know Cecilia..." you mumbled. Of course you wanted to go. You wanted to socialize with people your age and...and Zoey would probably be there. This could be your chance to talk to her. "Come on, where does your mom think you are anyway?" "Studying in my room..?" "Ok, so go back to see her. Tell her you're going to bed early and then sneak back out! Simple!" You bit your lip nervously.

"Hey! Cecilia!" A voice rang out, and you froze. Cecilia smirked, "Hey Zoey! Congrats on the win!" Zoey walked over with Glameow at her feet. "Aw, thanks, you and Buizel were great too!" She looked at you, and you swore your heart stopped. "Friend of yours?" "Yea! This is [Name] and their Chimchar!" Zoey smiled at you and held out her hand, "Well I'm Zoey, and this is my Glameow." You held your hand out shakily, "H-hey...I-I'm a big fan of yours..." you mumbled, almost too quietly. But Zoey heard you. "Oh, thanks! It's nice knowing I've got support out there!"

"I invited them to the after-party." Cecilia pointed out, and you felt your face heat up more. "Cecilia.." "Oh that would be fun, you're coming, right?" Zoey looked at you, and you could've fainted right there. "Yea...yea I'll be there."

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