N - Stable Boy

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Requested by Captain-America-girl

N x Female Reader

Fairytale AU

Once upon a time, in a far off land. A king ruled with his beloved queen at his side. The kingdom was a happy place, full of pokémon and wonders that would never cease. But what made this kingdom all the more desirable? The king and queen had a beautiful daughter, the young Princess [Name].

The princess was sweet and kind, fond of all people in her kingdom, no matter their status. And she had her own garden on the castle grounds that was open to any pokémon that may wander inside. [Name] would care for them all, especially if they were hurt or in need. Though there was no pokémon more important to her than her beloved Blitzle.

She had saved that Blitzle from a hoard of Seismitoad in garden, and it had stuck to her ever since. And even better? Blitzle stayed in the stables, giving [Name] the perfect opportunities to see him.


"Now [Name], this is Bryce of the Icirrus Kingdom." Your mother gestured to man with long, light blue hair, and wearing a traditional blue and white formal kimono. The man bowed, but [Name] couldn't be less interested if she tried. This was the fifth suitor your parents had set up for you to meet. First was the triplet princes: Cress, Cilan, and Chili from the Striation Kingdom, then Marlon of the Humilau Kingdom, now Bryce. All these boys were very nice, and [Name] was polite, but they were not who she wanted.

It was [Name]'s mother who was pressuring her to marry a man worthy of her. [Name] has come of age and her mother deemed it high time for her to find a husband to take over the kingdom and begin producing heirs. On the flipside, her father, the king, wanted only happiness for his daughter. He believed she would find a love of her own, the same way he found her mother. If it happened to be with one of these prince's? All the better.

[Name] was of course always polite to these men, and would always find a way to politely turn them all down. But as she turned Bruce away, her mother was getting frustrated with her. "[Name]..." her mother chided, pinching at the bridge of her nose. "Mother." [Name] responded, walking past her to change out of the ballgown she was in, in lieu of something much more comfortable. "You will find a husband or so help me [Name]!" She began to lecture, but [Name] was quick to turn on her heel. "Yes mother, I will find a husband, one that I love. Now if you'll excuse me, Blitzle needs me." She slammed shut the door to her room quickly.

"You can't rush love, my darling." The king said, wrapping his arms around his wife. The queen sighed and leaned back into her husband's embrace. "She will not be this young forever darling, just as we are not getting any younger. She needs to find a husband you can pass the crown down to." She turned in his arms to face him. But there was a knowing glint in the king's eyes. "Oh she will darling, just you wait."


[Name] quickly changed out of her formal dress, into a much more simple one of her favorite color, and pulled on more rugged boots. She looked into her reflection one more time before setting off to the stables, as quickly as the beat of her heart.

As soon as she set foot in front of the stables, [Name] stopped and straightened her hair and clothes. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

[Name] zeroed in immediately on him immediately. The boy with long green hair pulled back into a ponytail, partially hidden under a black and white poor boy cap, casting a shadow over his lovely green eyes. N worked in the stables, taking care of her parents Rapidash's and her Blitzle. Once he heard the crunch of [Name]'s boots on the straw littering the floor, he turned his gaze away from Rapidash he was brushing to her eyes.

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