Leon - Hospital Pt. 1

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Requested by CodilynLunn

Leon x Female Reader

Trigger Warning: The following chapter talks about cancer

Ash and Goh were sitting at the Cyrese lab in Viridian City, celebrating Ash's new title as World Champion. "So Ash," Professor Cyrese started, "What are you going to be up to now?" Ash smiled wide, "Off to the next adventure I guess." "Why don't you go home for a bit? I bet your mom and [Name] miss you!" Goh offered excitedly. "Ash, you have a sister?" Chloe asked. Ash nodded, "She's photographer!" The phone in the lab rang, and Cyrese left to grab it. "She was traveling a lot before she got sick..." Ash added sadly. Chloe frowned, "What kind of sick?"

Before Ash could answer, the professor walked in, "Ash, it's your mom. She'd like to speak with you. She says it's urgent." Ash's face fell for a moment, but just as quickly, a smile is back on his face. "Coming!" Ash ran to the phone, and Chloe leaned toward Goh. "Hi sister's sick?" she asked. Goh nodded, "That's all he says though. It's not something he talks about really." Chloe nodded, then there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Goh asked, but his question was quickly answered when familiar purple haired brothers walked in. "Leon! Hop!" Goh exclaimed excitedly. Hop ran over, with Leon causally strolling behind, "Hey Goh! Thought I'd come and see how the world champ is doing." "Ah, he's on the phone right now."

Goh introduced the brother's to everyone, and not long after, Ash rejoined them. "Leon? Hop?" He asked. "Hey mate!" Hope waved excitedly, and Leon smiled, "Hey there Ash! We were in town and thought we'd stop by!" Leon smiled, but Ash only nodded and smiled, and Leon could tell it was forced. "It's really great to see you again, but I gotta go." Ash hefted his trophy up, and Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. "Everything ok Ash?" Goh asked with clear concern. "Mom's at the hospital with [Name] at the Viridian Hospital, so she wants me to come visit. I can show [Name] my trophy!" Ash smiled again, a little more genuine this time.

Goh stood up from the table abruptly, "I'm coming with you. I'd like to meet your sister!" "Me too!" Chloe exclaimed. "Sure! I bet she'd love to meet you guys!" Ash answered back, 'Pika!'. "We'll let you got then, let's head out Hop." Leon stood now. "Aw, alright." "Well...do you guys wanna come to? I'm sure [Name] wouldn't mind." Ash offered. Hop's eyes lit up, but he looked over at Leon for approval. Leon rubbed the back of his neck, "Well...if you think it'll be ok. We'd love to meet your sister." Ash nodded, and the group walked out together.

[Name] sat in her hospital bed looking out the window. A Ninetales with sleek lilac colored fur slept with its head on her lap as she mindlessly pet it. She had an IV in her arm and a purple head wrap around her head. "[Name]?" "Yea mom?" she asked as Delia walked in. "How are you feeling hun?" "Tired mostly.. but don't want to sleep." Delia nodded and sat on the bed, urging Ninetales awake, but she stayed calm at the sight of Delia. Delia pet the Ninetales neck, "Ash is on his way. He's excited to see you again!" [Name] smiled fondly. "I haven't seen him in a while... I wanna congratulate my baby brother on his win!" She smiled. "Oh! And I brought you something!" Delia exclaimed before reaching into her purse, pulling out a camera. She handed it to [Name], who took it gently, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. "Thanks mom..." [Name] started up the camera and aimed at Ninetales sleeping face. The familiar click instantly calmed you.

[Name] and Delia spoke for a while before there was a knock at the door. Before either of them could invite the people in, Ash opened the door and rushed to [Name]'s bedside. "[Name]!" He exclaimed and dropped his trophy to throw his arms around her. "Careful Ash!" Delia warned, but the siblings didn't care. [Name] held Ash close, disturbing Ninetales who whined in protest, but Pikachu quickly jumped to greet her. "How are ya little buddy?" [Name] asked Ash as she hugged him tight. "I'm great! And I brought some friends for you to meet!"

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