Candy Heartz

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When Chihiro woke up that morning due to Monokuma's announcement, he couldn't help but think about what Kyoko had told him.

The Ultimate Despair... and they are here...

Chihiro quite frankly didn't know what to do with this information. He could tell the others, but with everything going on right now, he doubted it was a clever idea.

He could also just tell Byakuya, maybe in exchange for whatever he learned from Monokuma, but that also didn't sound like the best idea. After all, if the heir asked where he got that information from...

And there was also the chance that Kyoko was lying. That for some reason she was trying to mislead him. Chihiro obviously didn't want to believe that, but he also couldn't ignore the conversation he had with Byakuya.

The blonde had obviously learned something about Kyoko that dissolved what little trust he had for the lavender-haired girl and knowing Byakuya, it probably wasn't something small...

So, his best option for now was to probably keep quiet. There was quite a big chance the fifth floor had opened up, since that's what happened after every trial, so there was a chance he could find something helpful.

As he left his room, he really hoped the latter was the case. The school had many mysteries and this Mukuro Ikusaba wasn't making anything easier. As for now, he could only Hope for the best.

When Chihiro opened the doors to the dining hall, he was surprised to only find Byakuya sitting there, the rest of the seats were empty. Chihiro knew he was a bit later than usual, but still...

"Ah, there you are. I almost thought you had died," Byakuya commented when he saw Chihiro.

"W-where are the rest?" Chihiro asked while making his way towards the kitchen.

"Exploring, I believe. Luckily, when I entered the traitor and her girlfriend were already gone," Byakuya answered, disgust entering his voice as he talked about Sakura and Hina.

Chihiro ignored the small surge of anger he felt and stepped in the kitchen. He made himself a simple salad since he wasn't that hungry.

Then, he walked back into the dining hall and sat next to Byakuya, much to the latter's dismay.

"Do you need to bother me?" The heir asked, his voice dripping with annoyance.

"I just wanted to sit next to you," Chihiro answered with a small smile, deciding to ignore Byakuya's annoyance for now.

"And why's that exactly?" Byakuya questioned, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

Chihiro shrugged and took a bite of his salad. "I-I just wanted to."

The blonde rolled his eyes in response but didn't say anything. Instead, he took a sip of his coffee and placed the now empty cup on the table before standing up.

"Where are you going?" Chihiro asked, tilting his head slightly.

"The fifth floor, of course. Who knows what interesting things may be there," Byakuya answered, letting out a scoff.

Right, that made sense...

"Can I... come with you?" Chihiro asked, though he doubted that the heir was actually going to let him come with.

However, the blonde nodded, surprising Chihiro greatly. "I suppose as long as you don't slow me down, you can come with me," He began, looking at Chihiro as if he were inspecting him.

"After all, despite your... problems, you've proven yourself capable enough to keep up with me at times," Byakuya continued, flicking the ahoge on Chihiro's head before walking towards the exit.

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