The Dead Is Alive

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Byakuya hummed as he considered Chihiro's answer, "So then, what about the little matter of what happened a few nights ago?" He asked. "Chihiro, you said you saw someone in your room. If Mukuro had already been dead for several days, certainly it couldn't have been her. So who was in your room?"

Chihiro knew the answer to this- and maybe Byakuya knew too and was just testing him.

"T-the one who attacked me...was the true mastermind," He answered, looking up at Byakuya. "When we discovered Mukuro in the garden wearing the same mask...I naturally assumed she must have been the one who was in my room. But I was wrong. It wasn't her at all. It was the mastermind..."

Monokuma suddenly laughed at that, "Ahaha! Hahahaha!"

"What are you laughing at?" Sakura asked with a stern look on her face.

The bear continued to grin, "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just getting a little impatient sitting here listening. I think I'm gonna jump in!"

It then stood up straight. "Let's start off with a nice, easy question. Your assumption that I was in Chihiro's room is just that, right? An assumption. You can't really know who was under that mask, can you? I mean, that's the whole point of a mask!" Monokuma explained. "The true identity of the masked person is Mukuro Ikusaba! At least, that's what I think! Puhuhu... Do you have any evidence that might convince me otherwise?"

Chihiro was silent for a moment, thinking about the answer. He knew that there was something about Mukuro that was different from the person who was in his room.

"I-I do," Chihiro said as he remembered a very important detail. "Mukuro had a tattoo on her right hand, if I remember correctly. A "representation of Fenrir"... In other words, a wolf tattoo. But I saw the right hand of the person who was in my room... and there was no such tattoo. So there's no way the person behind the mask was Mukuro."

Monokuma looked slightly surprised for a moment, "Y-Yeah, well, okay... Ya got me, I guess it wasn't her... But that still doesn't prove that it was me! It could have been, ya know...someone else, right?" The bear suggested.

Byakuya shook his head with a smirk. "Sakura, Taka, Hina and I all have solid alibis for that entire night. We were taking you apart," He explained, his arms crossed slightly.

"O-Okay, sure, it couldn't have been any of you... But...what about Kyoko!? It totally could've been her!" Monokuma proposed, pointing a paw at Kyoko.

The detective didn't respond. She just stood there, quietly.

Monokuma laughed again. "Uh-oh! No snappy comeback? Did I score a bull's-eye?" It asked, tilting its head.

Kyoko was silent for a few more seconds before responding, "If you insist, I don't mind showing you." She proposed.

Monokuma tilted its head some more, "Huh? Show me what...?"

"What do you think? I'll show you the one thing that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt it wasn't me," She answered, and before anyone could say anything she took off her gloves.

Kyoko's hands were absolutely covered in burn scars. So much so that none of her pale skin was peeking through the burns.

Chihiro felt as he might throw up.

Hina had put a hand to her mouth in shock. "Your hands...!" She exclaimed, clear concern in her eyes.

"Awful, isn't it? It happened when I was first learning to be a detective. I was inexperienced..." She explained, shaking her head slightly before she put her gloves back on.

"My scars should suffice as proof. Chihiro, did the person who was in your room have scars like mine?" She asked, her calm gaze now on Chihiro.

The programmer shook his head, "N-no... not at all, I'm positive."

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