Just Monika-Part 3

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Chihiro couldn't believe what he had just heard. It had to be impossible.

There was simply no way they were being filmed, right?... Right?

"W-what...?!" Was all that Chihiro could form. Words refused to leave his mouth. Or maybe he just didn't know what to say. Truly, he had no idea.

"Wh-What? Broadcast live...to the entire world? What kind of bad joke is this...?" Hina asked, her entire face covered in pure shock. Chihiro didn't blame her- he was even quite sure his own face looked the same.

"It can't be... Have they taken over the airwaves somehow...!?" Byakuya said, looking the most shocked Chihiro had ever seen him. His normal, cold, attitude was gone.

"The camera feed is being broadcast? No way, that's... impossible!" Taka said, seemingly refusing to believe what the bear had said.

Sakura stayed silent, though an expression of shock was covering her face as well. She too couldn't make out the right words.

Because nobody could've predicted this. Nobody.

"That kind of overconfidence is a major weakness in your crisis management system, you know that? All you need is one weird trick that I found, and hijacking the airwaves is Easy Mode!" Monokuma said while grinning. It was probably enjoying their despair...

Chihiro could finally speak again. "A-Are you being serious right now...?" He asked the bear with a nervous expression.

"Of course! Everything has a meaning, you know... All those hints I gave you, all those tantalizing titbits about the school's mysteries... Even me luring you here right now... Why would I do any of that without a reason?" Monokuma said, his grin only broadening.

Monokuma laughed as he continued on. "It was all for my captive audience--to show them true despair like they'd never seen it before! I became the director of a despair-based production! This is the ultimate reality show! The best in despair entertainment!"

Chihiro had to refrain from throwing up right then and there as he heard those words.

All of that was just so... wrong!

It really was a wonder that the programmer hadn't passed out by now, knowing how shocked he felt.

Hina, luckily, seemed to have recovered from her shock. "You're lying! If this was on TV, the police and everyone else would be going crazy!" She said, her voice laced with anger.

She was right... That should've happened, right? Especially with how influential some of his classmates were...

"Y-Yes... There's no way they wouldn't have tried to come and rescue us!" Taka agreed while giving a curt nod.

"What if...they already did?" Monokuma asked, tilting his head innocently, though that bear was anything but innocent.

"...H-huh?" Chihiro asked, confused where the so-called headmaster was going with this.

If people had tried to rescue them... they would've noticed, right?

"But then again...it's not really any of their business, right? Sure, some people might yell at their TV to try and warn you. But who would actually come here to help?" Monokuma paused before continuing. "Don't you think that's possible? I don't really know personally though, so whatever!"

Byakuya's mask stil hadn't come back. "But to take control of all communications like that, you'd need an astronomical amount of resources," He said, his face slightly blanched and Chihiro was sure he even saw a drop of sweat.

"Yup! So, how could things have come this far? Well... That's a secret! There's something you all need to do first, remember?" Monokuma asked tauntingly, a big grin on its face.

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