Until My Last Breath

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Chapter Beginning

Kyoko was sure it had already been some hours since her execution- she had tried to stand up once, but immediately blacked out.

Luckily, that didn't happen again. She was able to stand up, though it hurt. A lot.

But she knew she couldn't think about that. She had to get out of here first. So, she went to investigate.

Maybe there was food.

After a quick search, that was proven to be a false. All the food that was there, was rotten. She should've expected that since she was most likely in the trash shute.

Other than rotten food, she found remains of a rocket- Kyoko had no idea why it would be in there- and other garbage. Nothing useful.

She was all alone with no food or anything. Though, if she managed to walk, she could open the door on the other side since she still had the Headmaster's- her father's key.

It was weird thinking of him like that. It shouldn't have been. He was the whole reason she came to this school, yet she couldn't even remember him in the beginning.

And now, he was most likely dead.

It was a saddening thought, but they weren't close and even if they were, she had to push through. That's what detectives did.

The Ultimate Detective...

That was her title, yet she only remembered it a few days ago. But she wasn't the only one who knew- Byakuya did. He knew before she remembered.

Which meant the Mastermind knew- that was probably the reason they took away her memories.

She was too much of a threat.

That was a good thought in a way. The mastermind feared her- even if it was only slightly. And now, that fear had grown until they attempted to get rid of her. And almost succeeded.

She was thankful of Alter Ego.

Because of it, Kyoko had managed to survive. Which meant she had to make everything of it. They would win against the mastermind.

With that thought in mind, Kyoko began walking forwards. Her steps were slow and painful, but she- tried to- ignore that.

A part of her still wondered how it could've been her that was send down here. She had meant for Chihiro to take the fall- it wasn't a pleasant thought, but a necessary one.

Maybe she shouldn't have trusted him. If she hadn't told him about the key, she wouldn't have to deal with this. But maybe it was better that it was her. Chihiro was quite weak, physically at least. Though, she did see some improvement regarding that.

She also wondered what would've happened if Makoto was alive. A part of her knew that he would've taken the fall- he was loyal like that. Chihiro might have done the same for either Byakuya or Taka, but not for her.

Because he didn't trust her- not completely at least. Not like Makoto had.

Deep down, she knew that's why she told Chihiro about the key. He reminded her of Makoto. She let her emotions get the better of her. Something that a detective- a Kirigiri- shouldn't have let happen.

But it still did. And now it was too late to change anything.

Not that it mattered- for now, she just needed to get out of here.

She wasn't too far from the door when she stepped on something. In seconds, she was hit with a sharp light, a nig contrast from the dark trash shute.

"A-ah, hello...?" A voice said, the words coming out difficult and like static.

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