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"Dude i need to go to the store" steven said "ok...and you need what?"i said
"booze and cig why?"Steven said "oh ok well can you buy me a bottle of jack and cig"i said "yeah yeah...Hey you should call Nikki and ask her if she want's to hang out with us" he said and then i remember something was wrong "FUCK!" i said "what?" he ask  "I forgot to ask her for her number..."i said "Slash your a Dumb-ass" he said "i know Stevie didn't need to remind me" "well your welcome" Steven said with a big smile i don't know what's wrong with this guy but he's always happy and i hate it! I was about to say something but i got cut of by the phone oh wait maybe it's Nikki

 i walk where the phone was and i answer it "H-Hello" i said "Hi slash" fuck i was hopping it was Nikki "get your Fucking ass in the studio! we need to record for the album and don't forget to bring Steven this time!" i laughed when he said don't forget Steven cause yeah last time i went to the studio i kinda  forgot to bring Steven i mean don't even remember what happen the rest of the day i was so drunk "why are you laughing Slash!?" Axl said i knew i should stop laughing cause i could tell he was getting mad "Nah never mind...but yeah no were coming don't worry, Steven just need to make a quick stop at the store" i said "tell him to make it quick!" he said "yeah yeah" i hung up  i just hope Nikki won't call when I'm gone...


Right now I'm staying at Erin place
"Ok but he's a fucking asshole Nik! I'm mean i don't understand i thought he was in love with you?" she said "i don't know i guess he's a liar and you know what's more fucked up" i said "what?" she was kinda excited about what I'm gonna say 

i met Erin at the record store well actually the one i'm working at and ever since we've been really good friend like she  a sister for me! "He cheated on me AGAIN but this time with my BEST FRIEND no but could you believe that with my best friend Erin!"i said "i told you that betty was a cunt!" she said i laugh  "yeah you we're right... and i met this boy last night at the rainbow he's kinda hot" i said "what do you mean kinda hot? girl you just broke up with Sixx" she said "i know...but he is so hot Erin! is hair like oh my fucking god! and is those lips like-"i was cut of "Nik you just broke up with Sixx like come on!...what's his name?" She said i look at her and smile "his name is Slash.." i said she look at me and start to laugh i roll my eye "Slash? really!?" she said "yes Erin his name is Slash!" i said "woah what's up with the attitude" she said  "you don't understand Erin" i said "of course i don't understand Nikki!" she said i didn't  say anything cause i know i didn't want to end up in a fight with her just because of a stupid boy that i met last night it was silent for a minute and she said "hey umm...why don't we go to the store i need to go buy some food and other thing" "yeah ok give me a sec i will go put so more nice cloths cause right now i look like a homeless man" i said "ok" she said


i knew Axl was going to be mad that me and Slash were gonna be late but...I REALLY NEED TO GO TO THE STORE
As i walk in the store i see a small brunette and another brunette but she was way more taller then the other brunette sh-WAIT A DAMN MINUTE IS THAT NIKKI!! Wait i should ask her if she want's to come to the studio with me! "Hey Nikki remember me?" i said with a big smile "oh my god Stevie hi! what are you doing here?" she ask "oh you know just buying some stuff what about you?" i ask her "oh you know just buying stuff too i guess"
she said i look at her and jeez Slash was right she as big tits and she was hot! "Hey um...i was wondering if you want to hang out and you know do some shit" i said "Um...yeah let me just go ask my friend if she want to come too" she said "yeah yeah no problem" i said and give her a big smile she walk where her  friend was "Dude what's thinking you so long Axl going to be mad" slash said not gonna lie that fucker scared me "oh i umm-"i was cut by Nikki "So she-slash hi..." i saw Nikki blushed "hey..." he said i was about to say something but i was cut out again but this time it was this tall Brunette and oh her eye's we're so pretty "So Nikki these are the boy's you were talking about" she said "yeah..."she said "And i bet you're slash" she said pointing at my curly friend "umm yeah" he look confused "don't worry have heard a lot about you" she said "Erin shut up!" Nikki said "oh yeah and what did you heard about me" he said i see that Nikki is blushing "that-"she said "ERIN shut up okay!?" Nikki said i mean it's kinda funny to see Nikki mad there was a silent for a little while "so umm you guys wanna come to the studio with us?" i said "yeah sure" her friend said i think her named was Erin I'm not sure but Anyway she's hot! we bought our thing's and headed to the studio.

Heyyy guys i hope you like the story

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