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"Sooo you guys kiss-i mean you've JUST kiss her you didn't do anything!?" i said to slash he just look at me and said "well she said she wanted to take thing slow cause she just broke up with her ex" Are you fucking kidding me the dude is a horny bitch  he is 24/7 horny  i don't know what's the girl doing to him but it's scary I mean every woman slash see he fuck them.

"You sure you didn't fuck her cause every woman you see you fuck them?!" i said "yes Axl I'm sure i didn't fuck her" he said and that fucker roll he's eye at me "slash don't ever roll your fucking eye's at me again!" i say "yeah yeah" slash said i heard a knock on my apartment door i got up and open it and surprise to me it was my sexy woman well she doesn't know but she will be mine one day "Erin hi what are doing here?" she look at me with those perfect blue eye's gosh  i swear one day i will write a song about those eye's "i just wanted to see you-well if your busy i-i can come back later" she said "no no no i'm not busy i have all my time for you actually slash here" i said with a smirk she blush "ohhh yeah umm actually Nikki wanted to see him but she didn't know if he was here" she said "yeah well he is, come in?" i said "yeah" one thing i really like about Erin is that her voice is soft and i like it as we walk in my living room i see Slash with a bottle of jack in his hand "oh hi Erin" Slash said "hi slash" Erin say i was thinking about going to a bar  "hey why don't we go at the whiskey?" i said "i mean yeah and we should go get Nikki too" Erin said i  look at Slash and said "and what about you?" Come on Slash just say yes! "Yeah sure" he said wow did that dude take not one but twenty second to respond to my fucking question "Well what are we waiting for boys come on!!!" Erin said


I promise myself that i would do absolutely fucking nothing not even get out of my room as i get up from my bed to go put on a movie on the tv i heard a knock at the door "who the fuck could this be!" i said to myself i walk to go open the door 

i open the door and i thought it was gonna be a homeless that needed food but no worst than that it was fucking Nikki Sixx!

"Baby please i need to talk to you babe please" he said i could tell he was drunk cause of the smell "No Nikki please go i have no patient for this!" i said i look up to look in his face (cause yes I'm short  I'm 5'4 and he is 6'1 so of course i need to look up to see him) i see that he start crying "baby please I'm sorry for what i did i know it wasn't right but i can prove you that i can Change for us f-for you...baby please" he say i didn't know what to do or what to say i just look at him and i hate to see him cry so i grab his hand so he can come in and i close the door and give him a hug i jump and wrap my legs around him he walk us into my room that was once our room we've lay on my bed and cuddle i feel really guilty cause not gonna lie i start to really REALLY like Slash...."i'm going to love you forever" he said "i know Nikki i know that's the problem" i told him i know if i don't even accept is apologize he will always love me...

Hello guys hope you like this chapter <3

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