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"Dude so you two is over like i mean over over" i ask "yes t-bone it's over!" he said "what did you do i thought you we're in love with her...don't tell me you cheated on her" i ask and he didn't say anything "oh Nikki come on not again!" i said I'm not gonna lie i'm mad at him like come on this dude cheated on her more than one time like i mean if you love someone you don't cheat on them right!?

"Look T i didn't mean to cheat i was drunk-"  "Drunk...DUDE YOU ALWAYS DRUNK" i said "excuse me!? were not gonna talk about you YOU always spend your money in booze or drugs or Fucking strippers!" he said I've stayed quite for a little bit i look at him and said "who was it?" "Um....h-her umm....best friend..."he said "Oh Nikki come on her best friend! Betty!? dude she's fucking ugly!" i said "look she was there and then bam we kiss and i don't remember all i remember is that i woke up un her bed naked with her" he said wow that dude really fucked up i guess he lost the love of is life

i smirk and look at him he look at me with a what the fuck look "Look like you in the club" i said "what club are you talking about T?" he said "you know...the no girlfriend club" i said we look at each other and start laughing our ass "and what we do in this club?" he said while still laughing "oh a lot of thing and when there's new member we go celebrate at the rainbow so what do you think?" i ask
"Yeah sure let's go" he said alright the terror twin are back baby!!!


As we walk for the studio me and Steven walk in the front and he keep telling me how is band was gonna make it big and bla bla i started zone out "Guys wait" it was him "yeah what's up dude"
Steven said "can i borrow you Nikki for a sec" he said ahh Fuck Fuck Fuck why does he want to talk to me did i do something wrong "yeah she's all yours man, i was about to go talk to the other brunette" Steven said "Erin Steven her name is Erin" i said "yeah yeah" he said i look at Slash and said "so umm...w-what do you w-want to talk about?" "you seem nervous do I make you nervous" he said i don't know if he was joking i mean dude i just met this guy last night "um...w-what you don-don't make me nervous at all" i said "mhm" he said and then that fucker take my hand for him to hold it i ask him "soo umm what do you want to talk about slash?" "Oh well yesterday you seem i don't know...umm sad i guess" he said "oh umm..i look sad? cause i wasn't sad at all" i'm trying to play dumb "Look Nikki i know we justmet last night but i feel a strong connection between us and i can tell you're lying right now" slash said oh that fucker i roll my eyes and sigh  "look me and umm..m-me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday cause umm...h-he cheated on me with my best friend i mean EX best friend..."i said not looking at him with slash i kinda feel that i could tell him everything and he would listen to me and like he said he kinda feel a strong connection between us well he was right! Slash was about to say something but Steven cut him "We're here" he said with a exited look!

Hii how are you guys!!

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