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i woke up and my head hurt like a bitch i sigh and get up and go to the bathroom i look at myself in the mirror and feel ugly i mean my hair is messy and i have mascara everywhere i couldn't really sleep last night after what Slash said...i start to cry how can someone do this to you i mean when you love someone you don't cheat right? i think my problem is that when i love someone i LOVE them with all my heart, when i lost the baby that's when shit went down i lost my baby maybe it's my fault, maybe it's my fault that Slash cheated on me! i took a shower and get dress i went outside to smoke a cigarette and see Jayden on his horse i smile 

"oh hey Nikki!" he say i walk over him "hey, can we talk..?" i say he nod his head "yeah sure just give me five minute" he say i nod my head and i went sit on the chair "yeah what's wrong sugar?" he ask i look down "i'm sorry for last night, i bet i was a mess" i say he lift my jaw to make me look at him "i don't know what happen last night, but if you want to talk about it you know i'm here sugar" he say i nod my head i get up and Jayden wrap his arms around me "thank you Jayden" i say 

later that day...

"what you want do tonight sweetheart?" Jayden say right now were in his bed with my head on his chest i told him what happened last night and the whole Slash thing..."i don't know, what do you want to do?" i say he play in my hair "well we could maybe go get lunch and then watch a movie" he say i look at him and smile "yeah sure!" i say when i met Jayden well he kinda bring my smile back, it's been so long i haven't smile like this...he blush "and well you know i wanted to ask you for this fo r so long-but it's okay if you say no too!" he say i raised my eyebrow "yeah..?" i get on top of him and he put his hands on my hips "we-well would you like do go on a date with me?" he say i look at him and smile and nodded my head i think it's time for a new chapter of my life!

3 months later... 

me and Jayden have been dating for three months and those three months have been the best! i haven't really much talked to Erin or any of the guys all i know is that Izzy quit the band..."Happy New year babe" Jayden said and kiss me  "Happy New year my love" i say i jump on him and wrap my legs around him "i love you Nikki" he say "i love you more babe" i say and kiss him 1992 New Year new me and a new start! 

*hey guys i know this chapter is short sorry xoxo

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