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"last night was fucking crazy man" i said to Axl right now we are in the studio waiting for the other to show up  so we can finish the album "oh yeah? i think everyone heard you guys" he said i look at Axl and smirk "i don't give a fuck dude it was the best sex i've ever had" i said  he smirk "bullshit dude" he laugh "what it's true man" i laugh Axl shook his head i grab my beer and took a sip of it i heard the studio door open and see the guys walk in "what's up fucker!" Steven said


"oh my god i can't believe you guys fucking kiss!!!" i said to Pam she giggle "what he's a good kisser" she blush i roll my eyes and laugh "anyway...do you work today?" i said "nope you?" she said "nope, wanna go to the club tonight?" i said she nodded her head "can Steven come...?" she ask i roll my eye fuck for once i didn't want the boys to come! "euh yeah i-i guess" i said she smile and said "ok, well i better go home and get ready!" she get up from the couch and give me a hug "okay so 8:30?" i said "okay yeah! see you later girl!!!" she said 

"well i should go take a shower" i said to myself i walk in the bathroom and get in the shower and felt two big arm wrap around my waist "Holy shit!" i turn around and see him "fuck Slash you scared the shit out of me! what are you doing here!?" i said he laugh i roll my eyes "what i can't take a shower too?" he said are you fucking kidding me! "but i thought you we're at the studio?" i said he look at me and smirk "i know...but we got out earlier" he said "oh okay.." he started to kiss my neck "Slash.." i moan softly he grab both of my boobs and squeeze them i moan "Slash i-i need to get ready" i said he sigh "where you going?" he ask i wrap my arms around his neck "to the club with pam and Steven...you wanna come?" i said he put is hand around my waist "yeah, hey umm i n-need to tell you something" he said i nod my head "y'know i've been taking about this alot and euh..i want us to get back together and if you don't want t-" i kiss him "yes Saul oh my god yes!" i said fuck i swear if he fucked up again i'm gonna kill him! 

"i love you Nik" he kiss me "i love you more baby" i said he look at me and i started to blush like crazy he kiss my temple "you're cute when you blush y'know" he said "oh my god shut up" i laugh 

*hey guys i know it's been awhile sorry about that!!

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