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i was about to say something but of course Steven have to cut me of "We're here" he said super excited i mean i have nothing wrong against him but this dude is ALWAYS happy and it kills me even if he is sad he would have that stupid smile on is face! As we enter the basement that we're recording in and Steven of course lead the way!

As i walk behind them with her friend Erin i think that's her name well whatever i started to look at Nikki Ass and god damn boy it's big i mean I've seen bigger Ass in my life but her was just the prefect size it wasn't to small and it wasn't to big it was the perfect size "fuck.." i whispered i think Erin or whatever her name heard me cause she look at me with a weird look "what?"i said "what do you mean what!?" she said i just look her with a what the fuck look i already don't like this bitch!

"Lady's first" Steven said while opening the door before Nikki could go in i grab her and she look at me with those beautiful brown eye's "umm yes?" she said "c-can i umm...talk to you for a sec" i said "euh yeah sure" she said i waited for Steven to go in and close the door "Look umm...you know what never mind I'm gonna tell you later" i said "oh umm ok...are you ok?" she ask "yeah yeah I'm ok..." i said "ok....but umm before we go in can you tell me who is who?" she said "oh yeah sure, there is Duff he is tall like really tall the dude is a literally a Giraffe-" she giggle  "and he Love vodka then there is Izzy he is very shy but when you get to know him he's chill and there is Axl he is umm... he is a bitch sometime just don't mess with him cause you will be dead and there is Steven and me.." i said "oh boy that's a lot to remember...thank you Slash" she said and give me a hug SHE GIVE ME A HUG!! "No problem Nikki" i look in her eyes  "well we should go in right" "yeah we should" she said

As i open the door she took my hand i look at her and give her a big smile the second i step a foot in "slash your late AGAIN" the red head said "wh-what are you talking about ,dude i was just talking with Nikki" i said "ok that's you're fucking reason because you we're talking to her!" Axl say fuck man i guess he's not in the mood today!

 Nikki look at me "I'm just gonna go talk to Erin" Nikki said i look at her and say "yeah, yeah i will join in a sec" she let go of my hand and go join her bestfriend or friend whatever "what the fuck is your fucking problem Ax!" i said "the fuck did you juts  fucking say!" he said "Axl can you please not start a fight just because slash was late for 2 minutes ,we didn't even start playing!" Izzy say Axl just look at Izzy and said nothing


"Axl is hot" Erin say we decide to go back to our place cause yes before i used to live with Sixx i lived with Erin!

 to be honest i didn't feel good and Erin wanted to get to fuck out of there i told slash that i didn't feel good and he told me to go and that he would come see me after is rehearsal so i give him my address "well if you say so...but he is a fucking dick!" i said to be honest Axl is hot but...he is a fucking dick Slash was right! "well i kinda..." Erin said i look at her with a death stare "Erin....don't tell me you invited him over here" i said "well...for MY defence you will have Slash and i didn't want to fucking third welling" she said "are you fucking kidding me you could have invited i don't know,  Steven or Duff even Izzy fuck" i say i didn't want fucking Axl the drama queen bitch in  the fucking apartment!

It was silent for a minute i was about to say something but someone knock at the door "I'll get it" Erin say i get up form my bed and go in the kitchen to get a bottle of jack cause yes who in the damn world doesn't like Jack Daniel's as I get the bottle I feel too strong arms wrap around my waist "HOLY SHIT" i said "what did i scared you little miss" he said I turn around and say "fuck you slash!" We've make eye contact  he clear his throat "so...how are you feeling" he ask "well my head still hurt but with mister jack it will be gone" i said with a smirk "didn't thought you will be a jack girl" he say laughing "what did you expect me to fucking drink tequila" i say and we start laugh 

he look at me and lick his lips "um...wanna go in my room?"i ask
"Umm ye-yeah...yeah sure" slash say i took is hand and of course my bottle of jack and lead the way the second he put a foot in my room he say "hey woah you've got a snake that's cool what's her name? I didn't thought you will have a snake! fuck you are full of surprise" I started to blush like a fucking retarded  i don't why in the first place i was blushing maybe i found a real man that was not sacred of a fucking snake "umm...h-her n-name is Rose she's two years old" i say i look at him for a sec that dude is falling in love with my snake...when i was with Nikki he was scared of my snake so i have no choice but let her at the apartment i always ask myself why Nikki is scared of a baby snake..."you can take her you know" i said to him he look at me like a 5 years old kid that you bring into a candy shop and told him that you will buy everything he want!

I took her out of the tank and give her to him "how old is she again?" he ask "she's two....isn't she cute?"i said "yeah she is..."he said we are sitting in my bed and slash still have my snake in is hand
We just look at each other the thing i like about slash is that we could just lay in bed and look at each other all day but with Nikki...i didn't fell like that even though i was with him for 2 year's but with slash is just different and i like it "umm...I'm just gonna go put her back in the tank" he said "yeah..." i say soon as slash finish to put Rose in her tank "so-"he was cut of by Erin "you guys wanna come to the whiskey with us?"

Hey guys this was a loooong chapter i hope you guys enjoyed it!!!

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