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"Mommy!! wake up!!" Frankie jump on the bed me and Slash groan "what..." i said in a raspy voice Slash sigh and get up "i'm gonna go take a shower..." he kiss my cheek i smile "oki!" i said Frankie was still jumping in the bed i sigh "okay Frankie sit down!" i said she look at me and sit down "wanna tell me what's going on so you have to wake me up at seven in the morning?" i giggle she look at me and smile "well today is the day!!!" she said i raised my eyebrow "what day...Frankie?" i said she giggle "well you know when you we're gone with Slashy on the trip you told me when you'll get back you will buy me whatever i want!!" she said i hope that's a fucking joke she woke me and Slash at seven in the damn morning so we could go shop ahh kids...i put the pillow on my face and groan i look back at her and she smile "and that's why you woke me up at seven?" i laugh she nodded her head "yep! Dad is more fun for that!" she said i look at her confused "more fun for what?" i chuckle "well Dad always wake up early and alwaysss make breakfast an-" i rolled my eyes and get up from bed i look back at her "well sorry that i don't wake up early Frankie! and sorry that i can't cook too! now go get ready" i said she nodded her head and walk out of the room

i sit back on the bed and sigh am i a bad Mom...? no Nikki you're not! she's probably hungry that's why maybe she's mean! anyway i get up from bed and put on one of Slash shirt with some black jeans i walk in the bathroom and see Slash with a towel around his waist i bite my lips and shock my head "sorry about this morning..." i said he chuckle and wrap his arms around my waist "hey it's fine" he kissed my temple "no it's not! i swear she's a little demon" i say Slash look at me and smirk "a demon huh? i think i know someone like that" he said i hit his arm "oh shut up will you!" i giggle he put is hand on my cheek and said "never" he then kiss my lips i wrap my arms around his neck "MOMMY!!! LET'S GOOO!!!" Frankie scream i look at Slash and sigh "please come with me" i whisper i make puppy eyes he shock his head "i love it when you beg for something" he said i rolled my eyes "no but seriously Saul please!" i said "if i come am i gonna get a surprise" he said i smirk "yep later tonight you will" i said he smack my ass and kiss my head i smile and walk out of the bathroom i see Frankie waiting at the door with her Dora the explorer bag i smile "okay baby slash is gonna come with us okay?" i said she smile "YAY SLASHYY IS COMING!!!" she said

we drive to the pet store we walk inside "Oh my god Mommy i want a spider!!" my eyes winded i shock my head "No!" Frankie look at me and giggle "I'm just messing with you!!" she said i shock my head "i hope!!" i chuckle if there's one thing that ain't getting in my house is a damn fucking spider! Slash took my hand i look at him and smile we walk in the fish section "Mom! i want a fish please..." Frankie look at me with her puppy eyes i nodded my head "yeah sure! but i thought you wanted a dog?" she look at me and make a weird face "i know!! but like the problem with dogs is that they shit everywhere!" she said "Frankie! language" i said Slash laugh i look at him with a death stare he clear his throat and look down "what it's true Mommy!!" she said 

we bought the fish and drive back to my house we put the fish in the tank i look at Frankie "what are you going to named him?" she look at me and start to think "mhmmm.....Juicy!!!" she said i look at her and nodded my head "okay weird named for a fish, but i love it!" i said

hey guys xoxo 

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