36 2 0

July 23 1990

well after our little accident..me and Slash talk and we are colse like very close but were not together we said that it would be better if we take thing slow this time we live together thought, i've told Duff that whatever we had need to stop and i felt bad...but he understand and he told me that he would like us to stay friend well anyway lets change the subject today it's Slash birthday and i've bought his gift wich is a guitar it's Gibson Les Paul 1972 chery burst it's is dream guitar so yeah he better like it cause it cost me alot...but i don't care that it cost me alot cause i love him...


i walk in our room  i see he still sleeping great i get into the bed and get on top of him and whisper in his ear "happy birthday Slash" and kiss in cheek he open his eyes and smirk "thank you sweetie" he said "you welcome" i felt something hard a...

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i walk in our room i see he still sleeping great i get into the bed and get on top of him and whisper in his ear "happy birthday Slash" and kiss in cheek he open his eyes and smirk "thank you sweetie" he said "you welcome" i felt something hard against my ass "Oh my god Slash you perve!" i said i get of him "hey it's not my fault you're the one who decide to sit on me" he laughed i look at him and blush "oh my god" i said i get up of the bed "Noo Nik please stay" he ask i nod my head and get ack to bed and cuddle


Slash is out to buy some cig soo i call the band and ask them if it was still ok for tonight and they all said yes i'm going to throw a party for Slash birthday well first i need to go get ready cause it's 6pm and the party start at 8pm i heard the door open "Nikki i'm back where are you?" Slash said "i'm in the bedroom" i said "ok" he said i walk over the closet and pick this black mini dress


ok now lets see for the heels i pick my single strap black heels they are my favorite and i'm done here! i walk in the living room "god damn Nikki!" Slash said he was siting on the couch "what? you don't like the dress" i said i walk over him he l...

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ok now lets see for the heels i pick my single strap black heels they are my favorite and i'm done here! i walk in the living room "god damn Nikki!" Slash said he was siting on the couch "what? you don't like the dress" i said i walk over him he look at me lick his lips and said "Noo actually i fucking love it you know it look soo hot on you and your tits-" "ok Slash" i said he smirk and ask "but umm why are you dress like this?" wow is he serious i giggle and said "Slash it's your birthday and i'm doing a party for your birthday" he shock his head "you know you didn't have to we could just watch a movie you know" he said "well..it's to late" i said "why would it be to late to cancel a party?" he ask "just wait" as i said that the door open "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUCKER!!" Axl said and oh boy there is alot of pepole i mean i know i told Axl to bring pepole but not the whole town!

i turn around and see Pamela and Steven together and holding hands!?! well that's new i felt two arm wrap around me i turn around and see Slash "tha-thank you for the party!" he said and oh boy he was drunk already it was not even 4 hours the party started and his already drunk "you welcome Slash" i said he kiss my cheek i took his hand "i actually have something to show you" i said he smirk and nod his head we walk in our room and i closed the door "ok sit on the bed and close your eyes" i said he smirk and sit on the bed and closed his eyes i pick the guitar that was in my closet "ok you can open now!!" i said he open his eyes and his jaw dropped "happy birthday Saul" i said "holy shit Nikki you didn't have too!! a-and how did you know it was my dream guitar!?" he said "ahh that's a secret" i said "that guitar is super expensive Nikki your crazy you really didn't have to" he said i look at him "Slash i don't care about the money or how much It cost really" i said he put the guitar on the bed and get up from the bed and come closer to me he put his hand on my cheek and one of his arm around my waist "Nikki i-i love you" he said i look in his eyes "i-i love you too Slash" and he kiss me

*hiiii guys!!!!

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