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2 weeks later...

well now the whole band knows i'm pregnant...which i'm kinda glad Slash told them even if i was piss! anyway today me and Slash are going to go see is Mom and Dad and tell them i'm pregnant! and then after were gonna go to Canada and tell my parent! i took Slash and look at him "gosh it's been so long i haven't seen you parent!" i say Slash smile "yeah and what's gonna be weird is that i'm gonna see my parent together" he say i think i've never seen his parent together!

we arrived at the cafe we walk in and i see Ola and Anthony (Slash parent) Ola get up and give me a hug "hi Nikki" she say i smile "hi, it's been so long i haven't seen you!" i say she smile "hey Mom" Slash say "hey son, how's the tour?" she ask he shrug his shoulder "great apart Axl being an asshole" Slash laugh Ola shook her head "i swear you and Axl act like a damn married couple!" she laugh i mean she's right!! i seed Anthony get up and hug "hi Nikki" i smile "hi mister Hudson" i say he chuckle "oh please you can call me Anthony" he say i nodded my head they got back to their seat and me and Slash took a seat Ola took a sip of her drink she look at me and Slash "so, what did you guys wanted to say" she ask i look at Slash and smile

"umm, well me and Nikki were having a baby!" Slash say his Dad chock on his drink Ola smile "wh-what oh my god does this mean i'm gonna be a grandma!?" she say i nod my head "well congratulations you guys!" Anthony say "thank you dad!" Slash say

back at the hotel i took a shower i got out brush my hair and teeth i get out of the bathroom and see Slash with a cigarette between his lips fuckk i swear if i wasn't pregnant i'll smoke entire pack of cigarette! someone knock at the door "Babe, can you go get it please" Slash say i rolled my eyes "umm, babe i'm kinda naked right now.." i say he get up "oh shit sorry my love!" he give me one of his shirt and i put on some short "thank you" i say and kiss him he open the door and i see a tall blond i've never seen before his hair are curly but not like Slash "hey dude! come in" Slash say i look at Slash and raised my eyebrow "oh shit who's this girl, she's pretty hot" he lick his lips i give the dude a dirty look "Euh she's my girlfriend her name is Nikki" Slash say i look at the dude and fake smile i don't even know him and i already hate him! like seriously who the fuck does he think he is!?

"oh...anyway i'm Mat the new drummer" he say i look at Slash and he look down "new drummer huh!? wow Slash!!" i scoff i knew Steven was going to be kicked out one day but i didn't expected to be now! and why Slash lie to me!? i shook my head "wow unbelievable!" i say i put on my shoes and walk out of the hotel room i walk over Steven room i knock on the door no answer that's weird...i knock a second time "Steven answer the damn door i know your in here!" i say and again no answer oh fuck it! i open the door and something smell weird "Steven..?" i walk in the bathroom and see him lay down next to the toilet "oh my god, Steven wake up!" his lips was blue and his skin was cold i started to panic "gosh Steven not now!" i cry i try to drag him in the shower i put cold water on him and it's not waking up "fuck Steven wake up!" i look at Steven and i run to the phone and i call 911 "911 what's the emergency"

"i-i need a fucking ambulance NOW!" I cry "ma'am I need you to calm down" she said calm down wow fuck that bitch! "MY FRIEND IS DYING AND YOUR TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!" I say "what's the address ma'am!?" She ask I tell her the damn address of the hotel "okay ma'am the ambulance should be there soon" she said I'm still crying "okay.." i say i run back to the bathroom where Steven was i get on my knees "what were you thinking! fuck Steven i can't lose you" i heard the door open and see the Emergency "Ma'am your gonna need to back up please" the guy said i walk out of the hotel room and i see Slash "what's all that?" he say "oh my god baby what's wrong" he ask "he's dead Slash..." he give me a hug and i start to cry even more "who's dead?" he ask i look up to him "...Steven..."

Heyyy guys!!!

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