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I don't even know where to start...well Duff still mad at me so that's great and Slash well...he tried to call me every day but I don't answer I mean I mad at him fuck I'm even mad at myself I can't fucking believe I fucking make-out with him!

I need to go out fuck I need to get drunk! So i walk over the phone and call Pam
"Hey Pam!" I said "Hey Nikki!" She said "umm I was thinking maybe we could go out" I said "oh heck yeah!" She said the thing about Pam is that she's always down for thing like that and that's why I like her as a friend!

"Okay well give me max one hour and i'll be at your house!" I said "okayy girl see later!" She said

Okay should i straighten my hair or let them curly...I'm gonna straighten my hair...now for the make up just concealer and some lipstick I already have fake lashes so i don't need mascara

"what should I wear" I murmured I walk to my closet and see I have this red hot dress "okay I think I'm gonna wear this" I say


Okay now let's see for the heels I think I'm gonna wear those

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Okay now let's see for the heels I think I'm gonna wear those


Okay well I'm ready I walk over the phone and call Pam to tell her I was ready "okay girl I'm coming!!" I said "oki see you!!" She said I took my key car and drive to Pam house

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Okay well I'm ready I walk over the phone and call Pam to tell her I was ready "okay girl I'm coming!!" I said "oki see you!!" She said I took my key car and drive to Pam house

Ten minute later I was at her house
I knock at the door "Oh My God Nikki hii, oh my god your dress girl!!" She said "Oh My God no your dress is way more prettier!" I said


"Okay ready to get drunk!" I said"Hell yes!!" She say we got into the car and drive to the night club I park my car and pam got out of the car "oh my gosh Nikki what's taking you so long" she ask i show her the little bag with white powder in it "...

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"Okay ready to get drunk!" I said
"Hell yes!!" She say we got into the car and drive to the night club I park my car and pam got out of the car "oh my gosh Nikki what's taking you so long" she ask i show her the little bag with white powder in it "oh my god Nikki, I thought you fucking quite!" She said "well yeah but..." I said she just roll her eye "well come on we should get inside" she Said I nod and put the bag of coke inside my purse

As soon we walk inside the club I see someone with blond hair coming trowad me I shock my head no it can't be- "Hey Nikki!!" It was fucking Steven Adler! "Steven!? What are you doing here?" I ask "well I could ask you the same, and who's this hottie" "Steven!" Nah is he fucking serious right now "what just asking who she is" he said I roll my eye "it's Pamela but call me Pam" she said "Holy shit your that chick from Playboy" he said Pam giggle and I shock my head "well I'm gonna let you guys, I need a drink" I said they just nod there head

I walk to the bar "hi um i'll take a Jake n coke" I ask the bartender "that's it?" He said "yep but umm can you add more Jack" I said he nod his head "Here you go miss" the bartender said " thanks" I felt someone put their arm around my shoulder I turn my head to see who it was "Duff!? What are you doing here?" I ask wow I just didn't thunk Duff would be here! Is he even still mad at me?

"oh you know Steven ask me to come with him" he said the dude couldn't even stand still I look at him and he look at me "your drunk aren't you?" I ask "me noo, you know you look very sexy right now and those last magazine Nikki fuck" he said I was blushing so hard dude "umm thank you Duff, I mean you look sexy too I mean everyday you look sexy" I said was that a good idea to flirt back I don't know and I don't give a fuck and I bet he's to drunk to remember that he's mad at me

He bit his lips "fuck Nikki" he Whispered he took my hand "come on we're going outside" he said I look at him "wait before we go outside I need to do something" I said he give me a what the fuck look I took my purse and took out the bag of coke Duff look at me and smirk "Ahh Nikki I love you" he said

He grab the bag of coke "woah, woah cowboy you better give it back to me" i said no but fuck is he thinking "hey don't worry cowgirl, come on" he said he took my hand and go to a table were Axl "Axl wha-what are you doing here? And where's Erin?" I ask no but why Axl here dude! "Well hello to you to Nikki" he said "dude look what she have" Duff show Axl the bag of coke "ok..but I thought you quit Nik" Axl ask
"Yeah about that..let's not talk about it ok" he just nod his head "well what are we waiting for let's do lines" I said

After a couple of lines me and Duff decided to go outside and smoke cigarettes Duff look at me and said "you know..I really meant what I said earlier" I look to him "pfft yeah right your like super drunk and high" I said "no Nikki Really..." he came closer to me and put one of his arm around my waist and is hand on my Cheek he leans over to kiss me and I kiss him back he push me on the brick wall I look at him and smirk he started to kiss my neck "oh fuck Duff" I moan well let me tell you Don't get me wrong Slash is very good a neck kisses but Duff fuck he as that technique that I can't explain Dude

"Duff" I moan I think I moan a little bit to hard cause I've heard someone coming "you've got to be fucking kidding" he said "Slash..I'm sorry" i push Duff away "Nikki let him" Duff said i shock my head and follow Slash but he kept Walking faster it was pretty dark outside too so I couldn't see shit
"SLASH! Can you let me explain!" I said he stop walking and turn around and walk to me "EXPLAIN WHAT NIKKI! That I've just seen my best-friend making-out with my Ex!" He said I started to cry "Slash i-i'm sorry" I said he scoffed "how many times are you going to be sorry Nikki!? Can't you see I'm trying to change!" he said fuck ouch now it's me that fucked up bravo Nikki!

"You know..I've tried to call you everyday just to hear how you we're doing after what happen at Axl house after our little fight, I wanted to apologize Nik and I wanted to tell you that I want to change for YOU Nikki!" He said "Slash you have no idea how sorry I am okay! I'm sorry that I've make-out with Duff I'm sorry that I didn't answer when you we're calling I'm sorry ok!" I said

"You know the problem with you Nik is that I will always love you..." he said fuck it made me cry more "Slash.." i said he stared to walk away "SLASH WAIT" I said I run to him and give him a hug I don't feel his arm at first but after couple of seconds I did

After few minutes he pull away and look at me and say "you making me go crazy you know" I don't say anything and just hug him again

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