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"soo... How are you?" I ask Slash cause fuck it's been a long time I haven't seen this fucker "I'm great man...and you?" He said "oh well me and Mandy are going to find a new place" I said "oh Really that's great" "so how's you and Nikki?" "Were Okay I guess..." he said "we should do a double date you know and go to the beach" he look at me and nodded his head "but I'll ask Nikki first"
"Yeah sure man" I said


"Double date really Slash?" I giggle "oh come one Nik...it will be fun plus Mandy will be there" he said I look at him "Okay...but first I need to go take a nap cause I'm fucking tired" I said he look at me and start to laugh "what?" I said "Babe your always tired" he said is he fucking serious "ok and? We will not talk about you!" "Hey! What's up with the attitude!?" He said atidutte my fucking ass "what attitude!?" I said "forget it" he roll his eye and got up from the couch and go to kitchen and grab a bottle of Jack "I'm gonna go outside" I mumble "Huh?" Slash said "I SAID I'm gonna GO outside!" OK I know that sounded rude but whatever


I don't know whats her fucking problem but fuck!
"Nikki I'm going out!" I said it was true I needed to go out well first I need cigarettes and alcohol "where!?" She said "to the store" I said "ohh...Slash I'm sorry for the way I've act it wasn't right" she said I look at her and see that she was crying "hey baby what's wrong?" Fuck I hate when she's crying it breaks my heart "I don't know.."she said "aww Nik please tell me.." I ask "I don't even know why I'm crying Slash...I'm just a emotional bitch!" She said I wiped her tear "hey Nik it's ok...you should probably go to sleep" I said "yeah I should.." I kiss her forehead and go to the store


Me and Axl just moved to our new house actually is not that far from Slash and Nikki house I was about to go into the shower and someone knock on the door I opend the door and it was Nikki and she was crying "hey Nikki what's wrong" she look at me and said "I think I'm pregnant..."

Hey guys I'm back!!!

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