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As i finnish my cigarette i got into my car and drive to my house


I park my car and got into the house but something was off...."Slash?" I said i walk into the kitchen and i see him with a bottle of jack "hey.."i said he scoffed and roll his eyes "euhh hello the attitude!?..what's wrong babe?" I ask "are you fucking kidding me!?" He said dude i don't what's wrong with him but fuck!

"What are you talking about Slash!?" I said he look at me and said "you fucking lied to me that's the fucking problem Nikki!"
"LIED TO YOU!? That's crazy!" I said "you're fucking PREGNANT and you hide it from me h-" "I'M NOT! Ok I'm not pregnant.." i said he look at me "ok..and if you're not 'pregnant' like you fucking say! why did Meegan called me and told me you were pregnant and the worst part of it is that you told Sixx before ME!?" He said ouch that hurt "look Slash i was.. I WAS SCARERD OK!!" i said "Nik why would you be scared?" He ask "i thought you were going to be mad and i was right.."i said i look down at my feet "Nik what the fuck are you talking about!? Me mad at you,tell me it's a joke Nikki!" He say "look at you! Juts listen the way you fucking talk to me! You didn't even let me the chance to explain!" I say he roll his eye at me "look Slash i'm sorry ok I'm really am you h-"

"i tought your were really pregnant...cause when Meegan called me to tell me that you were pregnant wich your not, it piss me off at first but-" i cut him and said "Slash.." " no listen what I'm about to say Nikki..cause i tought we could started a family but i guess no huh" he said ouch that really hurt like a bitch I didn't know he wanted to start a family now I mean we've talk about it but it was a long time ago.."Slash i'm really sorry...I just didn't know you wanted a family now.." I said "are you fucking kidding me right now you fucking knew I wanted kids with you!" He said

"WELL I'M SORRY THAT I DON'T WANT KIDS NOW!!!" I said fuck I fucked up "Slash-I'm-i didn't mean it" he took the bottle of jack and throw it on the wall "you know what I hate about you Nikki!IT'S YOU ALWAYS DON'T FUCKING MEAN IT!" He said and stormed out of the kitchen
Fuck I really fucked up this time


Wow is she fucking serious I can't fucking believe her! I took my jacket and my car key and slammed the door
I got into car and drive at Axl house
I knock on his door and thank god he answer

"Hey how's my little Slashy" he said
"Not in the mood Axl" I said
"What's wrong? Come in Slash" he said
"Erin's here?" I ask "no she just left she said she needed to go see Nikki" he said
"Of course" I scoff "hey what's wrong Slash?" He ask "well I've found out that Nikki fucking lied to me about maybe being pregnant wich she's not" I say and he nod his head "and the worst part of it is that she fucking told Nikki fucking Sixx before me!" I say "Huh I'm lost Slash, soo your telling me your she's pregnant huh?" He say fuck sometimes Axl can be fucking stupid man "No she's not pregnant Axl!" I said "then why are you mad?" He say God is he fucking serious didn't he fucking listen to me

"Hello she fucking told Sixx before me!!" I said "ouch no offense but your girl is a fucking liar man!" He say "Axl don't fucking start!" I say "hey I'm just saying the truth man!" He say fuck I should have go to Duff man atlest he would have fucking understand me!
"Hey you know what I'm gonna go Ax" I say "what you've just got here?!" He said "look I just want to get drunk,I'm gonna go at The Rainbow" I said "ok if you say so" he say

*Hello guys I hope you guys like thus chapter xxx

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