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Ughh like they said New year New me
but for me it was more New year depressed me

yeah me and Slash broke up why cause apparently I was a fucking  liar ohh and I caught him cheating on me wich you'll never guess who it was drum roll please Meegan fucking hodge no but like please like what does she have more than me fuck

but for my revenge I fuck his brother Ash hey don't worry he's eighteen and I'm twenty two so it's no big deal and ohh boy Slash was piss but hey he deserve it

I started to drink more oh and apparently Slash and Meegan are dating so that's fucking great! Well that's what Rolling Stones magazine said I got a new job I work in Playboy and I love it! I made a new friend her name is Pamela and she work at Playboy too!! She's nice apparently she use to live in Canada too!!

As I get up from bed I hear someone knock on the door I walk over the door and open it "Duff? Hey what you doing here?" I say yeah me and Duff got closer he didn't like the way Slash treated me..oh and him and Mandy broke up soo yeah we just got closer like I mean very close "I just wanted to see my favorite girl" he said "yeah right I bet you say that to every girl" I say

we look at each other and started to laugh "come in" I say he did and give me a hug "soo I was thinking maybe we could go see a movie or something like that" he say "yeah sure...as long Erin and Axl are coming" I say "yeah ok sure but after we can do something 'together' you know" he say gosh he's cute when he does this "yeah sure anything for you giraffe" I say "hey don't call me that it's not my fault that your small" he say I giggle "hey I rather be small than be a fucking giraffe that's 6'3" I say "ohh you better run girl" he said and I did I run but it was to late he grabe me and start to tickle me "ok Duff stop please Duff" I say "nope not until you say sorry" he say "okay, okay well..i'm not sorry" I say "ok you wanna play this game don't you" he said he grab me and put me over his shoulder and take me outside

"Duff what-" and I see the fucking pool "okay Duff I'm sorry" I say "sorry I didn't heard you could you say it again" he said "I'm sorry Duffy!!" I said he put me on the ground and said "see was it hard to say it" I look to him "yeah it was very hard you know" I Said he started to laugh

We go back inside the house
"OK so what time you did want to go see the movie" I ask "why?" He say "cause I wanna see if I have enough time to get ready" I say "Nikki your already perfect" he say "aww thank you Duff" I say we look at each other for a good two minutes and he look away "umm but to answer your question the movie starts at 6pm" he say "ok..well I'm gonna go take a shower you can stay if you want" I said "yeah ok" and he smiled and I smiled too


"Nikki come on we're gonna be late" Duff said
"I'm coming" I say
Duff jaw dropped "what you don't like the outfit?" I ask
"You joking Nikki, you look hot"
"Thank you Duff" I say  I was wearing  Duff jacket 'Wich was very big on me' with a white crop top that say fuck off and baggy jeans and black converse

I called Erin to let them know we we're ready to go to the cinema
"Ok same with me and Axl" she said "okay see you guys soon" I say "ready miss jensse" he ask "yep!" I say we got into the car and drive to the cinema

We arrive at the cinema and got out of the car "look who's there" Duff I turn around and saw Erin "Oh My God Erin!!" I ran to her and give her a hug we got inside the cinema "so what movie are we watching" Axl ask "Jurassik Park" Duff said ( i know that movie came out in 1993 but just pretend it came out in 1990) Axl laughed cause he thought he was joking
"Ok..your not joking" he aks "nope" he said "great..Duff since when you want watch fucking dinosaur" Axl ask "it's not for me it's for miss" he said Axl look at me with a what the fuck look "what I like dinosaur.."I said and Erin laughed

We bought our tickets and snacks and go to the room where the movie is playing

"The movie better be fucking good Nikki!" Axl told me "oh shut up Axl!" I said "ohh can you two please not" Erin said as we took our seats i see curly hair I close my eye and shake my head "hey yo Slash" Axl said no this can't be real "hey Ax" he said fuck why is he here!
"what your doing here man" Axl say
"I wanted to come see this movie dude" he said Axl just nodded his head

I look at Duff and he took my hand I think Slash saw us cause he roll his eyes
"Well come take a seat" Axl said I look at Erin with a what the fuck look "yeah sure why not" Slash said I look at him and roll my eyes and he come sit right next to me

The movie started to play and I can tell Slash eyes were on me I look at him and we made eye contact I roll my eyes at him he come closer to me and whisper In my ear and said "I know you've missed me Nik" I could smell the alcohol  and know for sure he was drunk I took Duff arm and put around my waist Slash look at me with a what the fuck look and got up from his seat "Dude the fuck your going? The movie just start fucking playing" Axl say "I know I just need to smoke dude I will be right back" he said Axl nod his head

ten minutes have passed and Slash still not here and I know for sure it's doesn't take fucking ten to smoke a cigarette I whisper In Duff ear "I need to pee i'll be right back" i said he nod his head

I walk into the bathroom and felt two big arm around me "Go fuck-" I said "Nikki it's me!" He said  "what do you want Slash!?" I said he look at me "you" he said "haha very funny Slash" I say "I've seen you and Duff are very close, what you guys are dating?" He ask "oh my god why do you care! It's not like we're still together!" I say he roll his eye
"What you and your bitch didn't work so now you want me back is that why?" I ask

"Ok Nikki I know I fucked up ok and I'm sorry ok!" He said I look down at my feet cause why do you want me to answer to that
"It's juts I can't see you and Duff together ok!" He said I look I at him and said "We're not EVEN together Slash!" I mean it was true "ok so now your gonna bullshit me you guys are not together, I've seen the way you guys look at each other or when he put his fucking arm around your waist!" He say ok I see it he's fucking jealous "Slash we're not together, how many times do I have to tell you that!" I say he come closer to me and whisper "then prove me your not with him" I look at in his eye and then is lips "i-" before I could even say something he kissed me

I push him away "oh you know what fuck it!" I say and I kissed him back he started to kiss my neck wich make me moan ok I know it's not right what I'm doing right now but fuck it!

I jumped on him and my legs we're around his waist and my arm around his neck  he kick one of the toilet stall and lock it he look at me with a smirk gosh he's was hot when he's doing this and started to kiss me again then my neck "oh fuck Slash" I moan He started to take my shirt "ok Slash we shouldn't be doing this" I say "yeah..."he say

We got back to our place and Duff look at me and whisper In my ear "what took you so long"
"Umm..I needed to smoke too"i say
Wich was not true he nod his head

*hello guys!!

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