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i woke up and turn around and see that Slash is still sleeping i smile  yeah it's been two day i'm staying at Slash yeah...i started to kiss his neck and make my way to is lips he groan "good morning" he said in a raspy voice i get on top of him and kiss him again i feel something poking me i stop and look at him he smirk "wow!" i laugh i kiss his neck and make my way to his waits he let out a soft moan i get under the cover and holy shit i forgot how Slash was big i take him in my mouth he let out a moan Slash push my head so i could take him deeper i'm trying so hard not to try to gag "oh Nikki" he moan i take him out of my mouth i kiss his wait and make my way to his jaw he flip me over so now he's the on top he took of my shirt he kiss my neck and make his way to my pelvic i let out i moan he look at me and smirk without a waning he started to lick my clit i let out a moan i put my hand on his head "slash" i moan he stop i sigh "Slash just fuck me!"

 he laugh and look at me and smirk "i think someone need's a little patience" he said i groan he grab my tits i moan "woah you still have your tits perc that's nice!" he smirk i bite my lips he kiss my neck and my his way to my lips i wrap my arms around his neck he look at me and smirk "your on the pill?" he said i shock my head "no i-" without a warning he slam his dick inside me i gasp "Slash" i moan he started to go faster i moan louder "Sl-" i moan "what's my name!" he started to go deeper and faster "wha-" i moan i started to think and holy shit he want's me to call him "daddy?" i moan he kiss my neck "yes that's a good girl!" he moan i started to cry "s-daddy i'm about t-" i moan "i kn-ow babe" he moan he started to go faster "Slash...ple-ase"  i moan he groan "oh fuck cum!" he said and i did not too long after he did and thank god he pulled out when he cum he kiss my forehead "well my workout is done for today!" he said i look at him and giggle "pfft! yeah right!" 

later that day...  we went to my house to pick up some clothes i get back in Slash car i look at him and smile he took my hand and kiss it "what do you want to do?" i said he shrug "i don't know it's up to you sexy" he said i nodded my head "well i'm hungry" i said he smirk "well i have something you could eat" he point at his dick "oh my god Slash! you horny bitch!" i laugh he laugh too "okay how about we go eat and after go to the beach" Slash said i look at him and nodded my head "yeah sure!" i said 

Next day....last night was fun! it's been so long i haven't had fun! now we are on our way to pick up Slash kid's "Hi dad!" London and cash said "hey boy's! did you guys had fun last night?" Slash said "yep! Mom took us out to dinner!"  London said "cool!" Slash said he took my hand and look at me and smile he look back at London and Cash "okay well what do you guys wanna do today?" he ask "pool!" Cash said "Yeah!!" London said Slash nodded his head "okay!" we drive back at Slash house

"okay do you guys wanna go to the beach or pool?" Slash said "Bitch!" Cash said i look at Slash and laugh he look at me and shock his head  "what did you say?" he laugh "Bitch!" Cash said "euh you mean beach Cash! beach" London said with an attitude i shock my head "okay well you guys better go get ready now!!" Slash said they run to they're room "DADDY YOU COMING!?" Cash said "oh well i heard that somewhere before" Slash laugh i blush and shock my head "oh shut the fuck up!" i laugh "I'M COMING CASH!" he said and walk away 

i walk in Slash room and put my black bikini on with some short and Slash, shirt i felt two big arms wrap around me "you smell good" he kiss my neck "DAD LET'S GOOOO!!" London said Slash sigh he got ready we walk out of the room "okay let's go!!" London said i think he's a bit excited we get in the car and Slash drive to the beach 

 we arrived at the beach London got out of the car and run to the beach Slash take Cash in his arms we walk on the beach  it's pretty hot today i lay down on my towel "Nikki!! come swim with me!!" London said  I look at hom and smile "okay i'll go swim with you if your Dad is coming too!" i said he walk over Slash "Dad...please" he make puppy eyes "fine" Slash said i get up London take Cash hand and run into the water I get in Slash wrap his arms around me "London, Cash please don't go to deep okay?" Slash said "okay Dad!!" They said at the same time Slash leans to kiss me I raised my eyebrow "in front of the kids?" I giggle "yeah!" He kiss me "eww Dad!" London said i look away and blush Slash laugh 

After the beach we went back to Slash house and watch a movie we put the kids to sleep and went to bed i look at Slash and smile "what...?" he said i shrug "i don't know i'm happy" i said "your happy?" he said i nodded my head "yeah...you make me happy Slash" 

hey guys!!! 

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