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"you guys wanna come to the whiskey with us?" Erin ask i look at Axl and for the first time in a very long time i see him smile well that's weird i mean the last time I've seen him smiling was at my birthday party cause he got a good fuck with a girl and that's been exactly five month!

I look at Nikki i hope she gonna say no "umm i don't know Erin..."she say "ohhh come on Nikki when was the last time we really DID have fun" Erin said Nikki look at me and smile than look back at Erin "ok, you're right...but on one condition" she said they look at her and she look me in the eyes "well come on we don't have all day!" Axl say she roll her eyes and sigh
"That slash is going...if he's not then i'm not going" she said well fuck me i really didn't want to go to the whiskey for once in my life i just wanted to stay here.... with her!

They all look at me "I-umm, ok i will go....BUT not now!" i said i really didn't want to go now Axl look at me with a what the fuck look and roll his eyes 

"oh come on Slash!" Axl said Nikki look at Axl and i could see she was mad "well if YOU'RE not happy Axl YOU can go to the fucking whiskey and well come later!" she said shit she look more hot when she's  mad I mean i know for sure if i put her and Axl in the same room for one night one of them will die...Axl just look at her with a angry face and say's nothing


ARGHH Axl make me sooo fucking angry! i swear i'm gonna slap him in the fucking face! if Slash don't want to go now it's fine! the dude can't understand that if he's not happy he can go by himself!


I could tell Nikki is mad like really really mad...the only time i see her like that like really REALLY mad is when her Mom and Dad come visiting her... Nikki HATE her Dad every time he's here they always yell at each other for no reason and the last time Nikki's parent came to over  i think it was a six month ago well whatever...but she get mad at simple thing like if someone will walk really slow  in front of her she will tell them to fuck off them AND get mad for the rest of the day thank god I'm not like her! for me if someone walk  really slow in fort of me i will just pass them without making a scenario...i look at Axl and say "well we can go now and they will come later..." Axl look at me and say "yeah..."
I took his hand and get out of Nikki's room


"You know what fuck the whiskey I'm not going...and fuck Ax!l" i said i was really mad Slash just look at me and start laughing i roll my eyes and said "that's not funny Slash!" That fucker just keep laughing "Slash, stop fucking laughing ok it's NOT funny!" i said he keep laughing AGAIN ok that's it i had enough i jump on him and now I'm on top of him "i swear slash if you keep laughing in my fucking face i swear i-"  "or you will do what huh?" he said and he gave me a sexy smirk i didn't know what to do or even what to say all i know is that we're in my bed and looking in each other eye's...i was about to say something but he kiss me SLASH KISS ME!!! I didn't know what to do i push him i  look at him he gave me a what the fuck look..."oh you know what fuck it" i said i started to kiss him back as i kiss him Slash grab my ass and i moan on his lips he flip me over and he's on top Slash look at me and smirk he lick is lips and kiss my neck he was trying to unbuckle my belt i push "woah Rockstar" i said "what you still a virgin?" he ask "wh-what no!" i said "okay.." he said "look Slash i really want this trust me i do" i said he get up from the bed and take Rose out of her tank "then what is it?" he ask i get up from the bed walk where he was

i took Rose from his hand and put her back in her tank i look at Slash and put my arms around his neck and he put is hands on my hips "look we've meet like what five days ago" he nods his head  "and i just broke up with my ex...look all i'm trying to say is that i want to take thing  slow...and remember when you said you felt a strong connection between us?" i said he llok me in the eyes and nodded his head "well you're right i do feel that connection" i said "okay...if you want to take thing slow we'll take thing slow" he said and that melt my heart holy shit i want to cry he put his left hand on my cheek "but umm...can i kiss you?" i nodded my head and he kiss me 

Heyyy guys i hope you guys like the story xxx

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