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"FUCK!" i said what should i fucking wear Slash look at me and give me a weird look "the fuck is wrong?" he said i roll my eyes and sigh "i don't fucking know what to wear for tonight!" i said fuck pam gonna kill me if we're late he started to laugh "a-are you fucking kidding me?" he said "no Slash i'm not kidding, i have nothing to wear..." i look down well that was bullshit "babe your closet is full of clothes.." he pull me closer to him and kiss my temple "here let me help you to find you something" he said gosh i want to cry i don't deserve him i sit on the bed and watch him look in the closet "did you know that one time when i was younger i pranked Adler, but it didn't go as plan.." he said "oh yeah? and what did you do?" i giggle "well i dress up as a girl to get in the rainbow-" my jaw dropped "what!?" i laugh he started to laugh too "anyway i was going to go pick up on Stevie cause y'know popcorn would fuck anything and i thought it'd be really funny y'know, so i got in and i realised the fucker is not here!" he said "what!! oh my god i didn't know that!!" i laugh fuck i think i'm gonna piss on myself "does he know about that!?" i said Slash turn around and shook is head "fuck no!!" he said i laugh wow i can't believe he did that!!

he grab something from the closet "here i think this would look good on you" he said it was this beautiful black dress jezz i kinda forgot about that dress..i look at him "thank you baby" i said "you welcome mi amour" he said i blush so hard dude "well we should get ready!!" i said 


me and Pam decide to stay inside while the boys are outside smoking  "oh my god you won't believe what Steven ask me!!" she said i raise my eyebrow "what?" i said she started to giggle umm okay the fuck is wrong with her is she already drunk..."he ask me to come on tour with him!!" she said i give her a what the fuck look "what tour Pam?" i say are Guns going on tour and i don't know...

"Nikki you're kidding right...?" she said i roll my eyes and sigh "no Pam i'm NOT kidding!" i said she roll her eyes "hey! what's up with the attitude!" she said argh!! why no one told me shit! why Slash didn't told argh!! fuck i need to go out! "you know what i'm gonna go outside ok!" i said i grab my drink and go outside i walk over Steven and Slash "Slash i need to talk to you NOW!" i said Steven laugh "oh shit i know someone whos gonna sleep on the couch" he said "oh shut up Steven!" he said "anyway see you later you two" he said i see Steven walk inside the clube and turn around to look at Slash "what's up?" he say still have a cigarette between his lips gosh he soo hot when he's smoking anyway "so your going on tour?" i said "yeah...why?" he said i scoff "and you didn't think you could like told me?" i said he sigh "i don't know i forgot" he said ohh and my dumbass thought he didn't want to tell me oups...

"umm...okay euh i wanna go home" i said he nodded his head "yep let's go baby girl" he put his arm around my waist and kiss my temple "i love you Nik" he said i look at him "i love you too Slash" i said we walk where the car is and out of fucking nowhere fucking paparazzi show up gosh i'm not in the mood for this "Nikki is it true that you and Slash are back together" the paparazzi ask i stop walking "Nik please don't" slash whisper i turn around to face the fucker "well what does it look like to you dumbass!" i said "jeez you don't need to be a bitch" he said Slash turn around "the fuck you said to my girlfriend cunt!" he said okay let me tell you when Slash is mad holy fuck he's hot "i-i umm i need to go!" he said "yeah bye bitch" i said to the paparazzi "gosh i love it when your mad" i said to Slash he look at me and smirk "oh yeah?" he said  "mhm" i blush he put on of his hand on my cheek and kiss me "i love you babe" "i love you more Slashy!!"

*hello guys!!

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