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I don't even know where to start...well first Guns have got pretty big and that mean they are always on tour I'm happy for them really and well Slash is getting pretty distant from me it all fucking started when the fucking tour start when i call him its always "hey babe I'm gonna call you right back" or "babe I need to go" and the call only last five minute and if I'm lucky it will last seven minute max and  when he's home we always do it i mean ALWAYS DO IT and when we're done he doesn't tell me i love you like used too and he's always drunk hey I'm not better but he's 24/7 is and it's embarrassing sometime... the last time i was with him which was a week ago we where in Canada (which happen for him tour there) at my parent's house and I've told him not to drink and what did that fucker do well he got drunk he was soooo drunk that he black out in my parent's living room it was sooo embarrassing i know my Dad was very disappointed in me and him i was so mad at him dude i just-i just want the old Slash back the one that made me happy the one that told me to love myself the one i fell in love with...i miss him a lot he's not the same anymore...i remember back in 1987 he ask me to be in Rocket Queen and it was so cute when he ask me but yeah i miss those thing Slash used to do and now he don't ask me shit when he's done touring he come home and fuck me not a "Hi baby i miss you so much" or "hey baby" NOTHING not even a fucking hug! all he do is walk in the house and fuck me and go to the bars!


"Baby..." he said "mhm yeah" i said we are in the living room on the couch watching MTV "well you know appetite is gonna be out soon and-umm...there this song call Rocket Queen and well-i fuck you CAN say NO if you don't want to and you don't have too-" i cut him cause damn he can't get to the point but it was cute "ok baby just get to the point i won't be mad baby i promise" i said i look at him and give him a kiss on his lips i could look in his eye's forever
"ok well fuck-i umm-we kinda...need to umm record umm something live..." he said i look at him  and smirk "something live?...baby i told you that you can tell me everything and i won't judge you my love" i said "ok straight to the point umm-i need to fuck you so we can put your moan in the song" he said "WHAT!?!" I said i really don't know what to say man fuck should i say yes i mean the guys heard us a couple of time but now it's different it's going to be on a record and who know if that record is gonna blow up...and if i say no well i don't know..."you really don't have to but...it would be sooo fucking hot if it was YOU baby" he said i look at him "i-i umm....i don't know babe..." i said he look at me and he kiss me and say "please baby....." hey you know what fuck it he just need to fuck me it's not like it's my first time...
"Umm ok ye-yeah" i said he grab me by the waist and put me on his lap and kiss my neck "well i guess we need to go to the studio huh?" He said we started to laugh "yeah i guess" i said


So yeah that's how i end up in Rocket Queen...and now I'm laying in my bed wondering what the fuck did i do for Slash to be distant from me...did i do something that he didn't like or something i said that offend him?

The things is that I'm scared to talk to him and that we will break up and i don't want that i love him too much and even if he cheat on me one day (wich i hope it will never happen) i will forgive him and i think that's my problem i think when i love someone  to much i forgive them easily and get hurt...
I got up from bed and go get a bottle of jack


2 week's later

"Baby..?" I've said to Axl i didn't know if he was sleeping to be honest "mmm?" He said  "I'm really getting upset...." i said "about what?" He said "Nikki..." i said he look at me and smirk and said "which Nikki are you talking about cause you know there's Nikki Six-" are you kidding me like I'm upset about Nikki Sixx!  "No baby like I'm talking about Nikki Sixx!" I said sometimes Axl in serious talk he like to mess around with me and it's not funny "she will be fine Erin trust me, now can i go back to sleep without your bestfriend love life!?" I  look at him and nodded my head and he said "you should get some sleep too cause remember tomorrow where going to a party" and he give me a kiss
But I'm really worried about her all she do is drink and smoke weed and that surprised me cause she hate the smell of that i remember every time Slash will smoke weed she will always but ALWAYS complain how gross the smell is and she smoke Cigarette she smoke one pack every day she always smoke since she was probably around fourteen but fuck one pack a day it's a lot...i swear i don't know what happen between her and Slash but i swear I'm gonna kill him!

Cause every time i tried to talk about it it's always "i don't want to talk about it" or "Erin leave it!" I really don't know what happen between her and him but i swear I'm gonna find out!


It's been two weeks since Slash is back from tour (and of course he's not home)
One night i was looking for something   and i found his bag (i know it's not right what i did but i needed answer why he was distant..) i found not one but four needle and a spoon in his bag i just couldn't believe that he was doing Heroin i knew he was doing drug like smoking weed and coke but never Heroin..it hurt me fuck i need to get drunk i take my jacket and my key car and drive to the bar

Heyyyy guys i know it's been a really long time that i haven't post but umm yeah i hope you enjoy this chapter 😘

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