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i was sitting on Slash lap and played with his hair right now we are in Europe cause the band is touring oh and it'S been two months that me and Slash are dating and those two months have been the best! anyway right now we are outside and holy shit it's hot today, slash light a cigarette "you want one babe?" i shock my head "no thank you" i kiss his cheek and get up "since when Nikki Jenesse refuse a cigarette?" he chuckle i look at him and smirk "since she's trying to stop! you know you should stop too!" i said he get up from the chair and walk over me he place his hands on my cheeks "no thank you! and you kinda smoke like half of my pack yesterday" he laugh "okay and? i'm quitting today!" i said he shock his head and laugh i look in him and smile oh boy i'm in love...

"hello love bird!" Duff said i see Susan in her red wine bikini "holy shit Su your hot!" i said she giggle "thank you Nik!" her and Duff get in the jacuzzi 

i take Slash cigarette and take a puff he smack my ass "what the fuck babe!?" i said "you told me like not even five minutes ago you wanted to quit!?" he said i look at him and scoffed "well i'll quit tomorrow!" i giggle he shock his head "bullshit" he took back the cigarette and finish it

 we went back at the hotel i took a shower and get dressed "Babe!!" he said "what?" i walk over him "you wanna come to the show tonight?" he said i nodded my head "yeah sure!" he smile and kiss me i wrap my arms around his neck i heard the phone ring Slash sigh i walk over the phone and pick it up "yep?" i said Slash wrap is arms around my waist and kiss my neck i bite my lips "MOMMY!!!" Frankie said i look at Slash and shock my head he pulled away and smirk "hey baby girl!! how are you?" i said right now she's staying at Sixx house "good!! i miss you Mom..." she said i sigh "i know baby girl i miss you too...but hey! five more days and i'm home!!" i said i heard her cry "hey baby what's wrong...?" i said "Mommy i miss you..." She said i look down and sigh "hey how about when i'm back we go shopping just me and you!? and you can buy whatever you want!" i said hopefully that's gonna cheer her up fuck! i wish i could just hug her...i miss my baby girl "r-really?" she said "yep!" i said "okay well i want a cat!" she said i laugh "baby we already have a cat at home"  she giggle "okay well i want a dog!" i shock my head and laugh "what Mom you said whatever i want!! and i want a dog!!" she said i sigh "okay Frankie when i'm going to be back we are going to buy a dog!!" i said "yay!!" she said i smile "okay well Mommy i need to go i love you!!" she said "okay baby...love you more" i said she giggle "no!! i love you more Mom!" she giggle "no!! i love you more!" i said i heard Sixx in the background "okay Frankie time to go!" Frankie sigh "i really need to go Mom...I love you more!" before i could say anything she hang up i shock my head and laugh

2 days later...

i was laying in the bed and smoking a cigarette okay i know i say i would stop! but i smoke like four cigarette a day now! i mean it's good cause before i was smoking an either pack a day!  i sigh and get up i heard someone knocking at the door i rolled my eye's and open the door "yes?" i said "oh Nikki hi!" Scott said he is all sweaty and stress...he look pale too...mhm that's weird i mean i remember Slash told me that Scott was using heroin... "what do you want Scott?" i said he look down at my tits yeah...that fucker kinda has a crush on me and oh boy Slash is jealous!! it's kinda funny... "Scott my eye's sre up here you prick!" i said he look away and smirk "umm...where's Slash?" he said i rolled my eyes "with Duff why?" i said he chuckle and shock is head "damn it!" Scott staring to shake and sweat more "Scott are you okay?" he shock his head "n-no fuck! d-do you know someone who is selling" my eyes widened "W-What!? do i have to remind you that i've been sober for like 5 years!? so do i look like i know someone who is selling!?" i said he look down and smirk "yeah i know that your sober! but like you sure you don't know someone who is selling" did he not understand what i just said "and like your dating Slash so i thought..." he said i raised my eyebrow "what that's suppose to mean Scott!?" fuck i really don't have the time for this shit! "just forget it!" he said  fuck he's acting like a little bitch! 

i sigh and cross my arms "why? you out of stock!?" i said he look at me and nodded is head "well sorry that i don't know anyone who sell!" i said he rolled his eyes "it's fine...i'll go find someone else to help me i guess" he said in a bitchy toned i nodded my head and clap my hands "yeah you do that like a big boy Scott! now get the fuck out!" i said he walk out of my hotel room i slam the door and sigh 

later that day Slash came back "hey!" he said and kiss my temple "hey..." i said i get up from the bed and light a cigarette Slash wraps his arms around my waist he kiss my neck i turn around "i'm not in the mode Slash" i said he look at me and raised his eyebrow "did i do something wrong?" he said i shock my head "no...I'm just not in the mode!" i said  Slash looked confused "did something happened when i was gone?" he said i shrug and sigh "well your stupid singer ask me if i knew someone who was selling and he acted like a bitch! so yeah that's why i'm not in the mood Slash!" i take a puff of my cigarette Slash sigh and shock his head "that fucking cunt!" he said 

Nikki Sixx Pov:

i sighed and sit on the couch "DADDY!!!" Frankie scream i get up and to her room "what!?" i said she look at me "i lost Death!!" she said i sighed yeah Nik ask me to babysit he and Slash stupid snake! and who the fuck named their pet Death! "you lost Death!?" i said one thing i hate is snake! and now my daughter tell me she lost the damn snake in my house!? Frankie started to cry "what's wrong baby?" i said "Mom is gonna kill me! and worst Slash is gonna hate me forever!" she said "Mom is not going to kill you and Slash is not gonna hate you" i chuckle "let's just find the snake okay?" i said Frankie nodded her head we looked under her bed and i heard Courtney screaming "AAAAA NIKKI!!!" i run to bathroom and see Death "oh my god Daddy look!!" Frankie said "Nikki get this thing out of my bathroom!" She said Frankie look at Courtney and pick up Death Courtney look at Frankie "okay get it out Frankie! please!!" she cried Frankie shock her head "you guys are pussy!" She said "Frankie-Jean Sixx!" i said "what i'm just telling the truth!!" she walk out of the bathroom "you know i'm going to tell Mom about your attitude!" i said she scoffed "you know Mom doesn't care!" of course she doesn't care! Frankie is just like her mother same attitude! could you imagine if her and Axl Rose had a kid together gosh that little kid would have been hell! 

Frankie walk back in her room and i hug Courtney "i want this thing out of my house!!" She  was talking about the snake  i chuckle and kissed her head "one more day baby, one more day" i said she wrap her arms around my neck and kiss me 

Nikki Jenesse Pov:

well today is the day that me and Slash are got back home! and oh boy i can't wait see my baby girl! Slash drive to my house we got out of the car i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him "i love you!" i said he smirk "i love you more!" he said i jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist he unlock the door and walk to the bedroom he out me on the bed and we get undressed "fuck your hot Nikki!" he said i blush Slash look at me and smirk "i think we need a shower don't you think?" he said i smirk and nodded my head we get in the shower and start to make-out he grab both of my  breast and i moan "Slash i need..." he look at me with a devilish smirk "you need what?" he said i bite my lips "you" he grab me he put on the wall and he slam his dick inside me i gasp/moan "Slash-" i moan he bite my neck he got deeper "Sl-ash" i moan i wrap my arms around his neck he kiss my jaw and make his way to my lips i gasp for air "b-abe" i moan "fuck cum!" he moan we both cum at the same time and that my friends is what i called a quickie! he put me down and kiss me "fuck...that was good!" he said i nodded my head and kiss his cheek 

after out little shower Slash went back to his house to go pick up some clothes his kids we're on a vacation with there Mom for another two weeks!  in the meanwhile i drive to Sixx house to go pick up my baby girl!! i knock on his door "hey!!" Courtney said she was Sixx his new girlfriend she seem kinda sweet... "hey!" i said i get in they're house "so how was the tour?" she said i look at her and smile "oh it was great!" i said she nodded her head "Mommy!!!" Frankie come running over me i pick her up and hug her "hi baby!!" i said i kiss her head "i missed you mommy!" she said i look at her and smile "i know baby, i missed you too" i said 

hey guys!! xoxo 

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