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1 week later...

i woke up and see Slash is not here that's weird...i look at the clock and see that is 4:15 PM i roll my eyes and get up i put on one of Slash shirt i heard someone knocking at the damn door "Coming!" fuck i swear if they keep knocking at the i'm gonn- "Nikki open the damn door!" 

i open the door and see Erin "Eri-"  "Your fucking pregnant!? and you didn't told me!?" she say "well good morning to you too Erin" i say fuck how does she know i'm pregnant she rolled her eyes she walk inside and sit on the bed "and how the fuck do you know i'm pregnant!?" i say she look down "well...Slash is kinda drunk and told everyone..." i scoff wow i swear when he get back i'm gonna kill him!

"who's EVERYONE Erin?" i say she look at me and sigh "the whole band-"  "WHAT!?" i say well fuck me! "where's is he!?" i say "at the bar" she say i put on short and shoes "Where are you going Nik!?" she say i roll my eyes "i'm going to see Slash!" i say Erin chuckle "please don't kill him..." she say wow since when does she care about Slash! 

i walk in the bar and see Slash with a cigarette between his lips "SLASH!" 


i see my sexy girlfriend walk in and she kinda look piss oh maybe she mad cause i left this morning and didn't told her "SLASH!" she say oh shit well i'm in trouble i get up from my seat and i couldn't barely stand cause i'm to drunk i walk to her "w-what's wr-wrong my love" i say she scoff "What's wrong!? are you fucking kidding me!" she say i shrug "wh-what's wrong ba-be" i ask i see a tear fall down her cheek "ba-be wha-what's w-wrong" i say i wiped her tear "you told the whole band i was pregnant...that's the problem Saul!" she say i sigh "i'm so-rry babe...i'm really sorry" i tried to sober up but i'm too drunk "Nikki...i'm sorry" i say one thing about her

is that ever since that she's pregnant she's been emotional over EVERYTHING like last night she cried over some fucking pickles! pickles!! "i umm..i'm gonna go" she say i took her hand "no i'm co-coming too!" i say even if i'm drunk passed out tjere is no way i'm gonna let her walk by herself!


i nod my head we walk back at our hotel room i take off my shoes and go to bed Slash take off is pants and shirt he get in the bed and wrap is arm around my waist "i'm sorry Nik..." he say "can we talk about this tomorrow please" i ask he nod his head 

*hey guys!!! i know this chapter is short sorry!! hope you guys like it xoxo!!

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