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We've just got to Tommy's house and I notice a Red Ferrari park and I know damn well that this Is not Tommy's car
"Babe.." Slash said I look at him "yeah.."I said "I just want to tell you how sorry I am again" he said  "I know you are Slash but umm...can we...can we talk about this later?" I ask he just nodded his head as I got out of the car Slash took my hand I look at him and smile we walk to the Stairs and I knock on the door Heather opend the door "Oh My God Nikki hi it's been a long time Where have you been?" She ask "oh you know working and all that stuff" I chuckle "well come in guys, you still work at that Strip club?" She ask Slash scoff and roll his eyes "I'll take that as a yes" she said and I look at Heather and we started to laughing "The boys are outside" she said "the boys?" I said "yeah Tommy and Nikki..." she said she look at me and Slash and said "he didn't tell you that Nikki was coming" "euh no...Heather I'm gonna kill your husband!" I say "euh Nik please don't" she said I go outside to find Tommy and there he was with Nikki Sixx!

"Really Tommy you could have fucking told me he was going to be there!?" I said fuck i didn't want Sixx here! "Well first of all hello how are you and second of all I thought you guys were ok?" Tommy said "yeah your right but you should have fucking told me T" I said "well I've called you like two time to tell you that Sixx was coming but you didn't answer" he said "what..." oh and it hit it was probably because I was fucking Slash I started to blush just to think of that "are you ok Nik?" Sixx ask "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" I said I look around to find Slash smoking a cigarette and talking to Sixx girlfriend i think her name is Meegan something like that "guys I will be right back" they just nodded there head as I walk to them i wrap my arms around Slash waist "oh hey beautiful" he said "I'll leave you guys so you can talk" Meegan said while she joined the boys I wishper to Slash and said "I don't like her" Slash chuckle "yeah me too babe she talks to much she's giving me a headache" he said I give Slash a hug and mumble on his chest and said "I love you Slash" "love you too baby" "we should go back to the other" i said "yeah your right" and he give me a kiss


"Well well well isn't my favorite couple" I said "shut up T" Nik said we all laugh except for Nik "so what are we going to do baby" my beautiful wife ask "umm go to the bar?" I've say "yeah that's a great idea Tommy so we could drink" sixx said fuck sometimes I forgot that I can't drink "yeah your right.." I said "how about the zoo?" Slash said we all nodded "ok then let's go to the zoo" I've said


"Baby look what I've found" I said "what did you found" she said I point her the cage  "it's a banana Snake!!!" She said "yeah a banana snake baby" I laugh she wrap her arm around my neck and said "we should get a banana snake!!!" I look her in the eyes "yeah we should" I kiss her "I love you" I said "I love you too Saul" she said "so Saul I your real name" Meegan said I was about to say something but Nikki said "yeah but he doesn't like when we call him by is real name"


ARRGHH!!! I swear if we weren't at this fucking zoo I would hit the shit out of her and I don't give a fuck that she is Sixx girlfriend! "Guys come see the damn monkeys!" Tommy said thank god he showed up

We were back home and I decided to go take a bath to relax I was about to fall asleep until I heard the door open without even saying anything Slash come into the bath with me "what's wrong Nikki?" He ask he know damn well when I'm not feeling well "I don't know I just don't feel so good" I said "you wanna talk about it?" He ask "I don't know...I just really hate Meegan she's getting on my nerves! I feel like she want's you and i hate it!" I said "well baby first of all I love you to much to break up with you and second she's not my type at all she's too skinny i mean-" he said "ok Slash I get it"I giggle I mean it's true she's not his type what was I thinking...we got out of the bath and go the the bed I pick one of Slash shirt and it was pretty big for me and on it said 'D.A.M.M. Drunks Against Mad Mothers' Slash always I've funny shirt


"Dude where the fuck is Slash, he was suppose to be here like twenty minutes ago" Axl said right now we are in the studio recording our new album that would be out in two years "I don't know man probably Passed out again" I said Axl look at me and started to laugh " Of fucking course he is" I was about to say something but the door open and there he was...and he was smiling that's weird "where the fuck have you been, we've been waiting for your  Dumb ass for the past twenty minutes!" Axl said
"Jezz sorry I was stuck in the traffic that's it!" Slash said "well you could have at least fucking call!" Axl said "how did you want him to call us if he was stuck in the traffic and no phone" Izzy said Axl look at him and said "Izzy shut up" "can we juts play..." Stevie said "yeah let's fucking play!" Axl said

*hello guys how are you!!!

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