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well that was a wild trip...me and Slash been together since 2007 so like we've been together for like 17 years! wow can you believe it! 17 years!? we bought a house in California!! he proposed to me in 2016 at a GNR show! yeah they got back together!! i tattoo Slash named on my arm and umm he freak out at first but now he like it...Frankie got a boyfriend they've been together since 2019 and oh boy they are in love! it's so cute to see!! i've never been this happy in my whole life!

"good morning babe!" Slash said i look at him and smile "good morning!" i said right now Slash is touring with his band! yeah back in 2010 he created this band called Slash ft Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators!

"so what's the plan for today?" i sigh and get up from bed Slash look at me and smile "shit, i don't know babe. we can...sleep all day?" i look at Slash and nodded my head "yeah sure!" i get back to bed and Slash wrap his arms around me i smile

later that day Slash to the rehearsal (for the show tonight) he ask me if i would like to come and of course i said yes! "babe...?" Slash said "yeah...?" i look at him and smile he walk over me and wrap his arms around me "i love you" he say i smile "well i love you more Saul!" i say

after the show we went back to our hotel room i look at Slash and smile he look at me and smirk "what babe?" he say i shrug "i don't know..." he raised his eyebrow and chuckle "okay..." he said he look back at his phone i take is phone and smile "yes..?" he say i look at him and sigh "Slash...i love you so much you have no idea.." he kiss me "i love you more Nik..." i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him i put his hands on my hips we stopped and look in each other eyes "ahh fuck Nikki i love you so much you have no idea" i smile "I love you more Saul Hudson"

hey guys!! well this was a wild ride! as you guys can tell this is the end of the story...i hope you guys like it as much as i did! am i going to write another story!? yeah probably! anyway i love you guys so much xoxo

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