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it's already Sunday! i sigh get up from bed and call Sixx "hey! i'm going to come pick up Frankie at twelve!" i said "yeah okay!" he said "ok, bye!" i hang up and walk over my closet "what should i wear...?" i said to myself i heard my phone ring i groan, i walk over the phone i swear if it's Sixx i'm going to kill him! i pick up the phone "What!? Sixx!" i said i heard laughing "wow well good morning to you too Nik" he said in a raspy voice gosh i missed this voice..."Slash! sorry about that" i chuckle "hey it's fine! look i'm going to come pick you in thirty minutes" he said i hope he's kidding "you're coming to pick me up...in thirty minutes!? Slash i have to pick up Frankie at twelve! and it's like ten in the morning!" i said "it's fine we'll go get her! and plus it's more time for us alone" he laugh i bit my lips "you don't even know where i live" i giggle "oh yes i do!" he said pfft bullshit! "oh yeah?" i said "mhm.." he said "okay then! come pick me up now!" i laugh he hang up wow  that fucker hang up in my face! 

20 minutes later...

i was in my room getting dressed and i heard knocking at the door i chuckle this can't be him i get out of my room and walk at the door and opened it and see Slash! he look at me and smirk i shock my head "wow you really do know where i live" i said he nodded his head

he get in and give me a hug and he smelled a mix between cologne and cigarette we pulled away he look at me and smile "i quite drinking and i also quite drugs" he said i smile "wow well congrats Slash i'm proud of you" i said ever since i know Slash, i've never but never see him sober! and i'm really proud of him! "well i am too i quite in 2002!" he look at me and smile "well i'm proud of you too Nik!" he said i look at him and blush i quickly look down hopefully he didn't see me blush i clear my throat "so...what did you want to do" i say he smirk " well i was thinking maybe we could go pick up my kids and then yours and maybe go to the cinema!" he say i nodded my head "yeah that sound perfect!" i said i took my purse and lock the door i get in his car Slash look at me and smile i raised my eyebrow "what?" i say "nothing.." he said i rolled my eyes "bullshit, tell me!!" i said "you just look beautiful Nikki" he said i blush and look away "thank you..." i said 

we went pick Slash kids i've never seen them before i think there names are London and Cash...anyway they get in the car "Hey Dad!" the older one said the younger one was more shy "hey! London, Cash this is Nikki she's a friend!" he said "hi!" i said "hii" London said i look at Slash and smile "how old are they?" he chuckle "well London is five and Cash is three!" he said i nodded my head "mine is one year older then London!" i said he smile and look back at his kids "okay guys who want to go to the cinema!!" Slash said "ME!!!" London scream i laugh i look at Cash and holy shit he look like Slash when he was a kid!

Slash drives to Sixx house "you want me to come with you?" he said i shock my head "no i'll be fine!" i smile and get out of the car and go knock at the door Sixx open the door and i see Frankie "Mommy!!!" she said i pick her up and give her a hug "hey my love!" i kiss her cheek "oh is it okay if i come pick her up Wednesday?" he said "yeah sure!" i said he nodded his head "okay well bye baby girl" he said to Frankie and kiss her forehead i walk out of the house and put Frankie in Slash car and go sit back in, i look at Frankie and smile "so baby this is London and Cash, and the old one in the front seat is Slash!" i giggle Slash look at me and shock his head "oh your in trouble you know that!?" Slash laugh "we'll see" i smirk

After the movie we went to my house and play some games i put Frankie to bed and Slash kids were sleeping in the guest bedroom! me and Slash were watching a horror movie he had his hand on my tight and i had my head on his shoulder sometimes i wonder what could have happened if me and Slash had stay together...i look at him and see that he's sleeping i smile and get up and turn the TV off "sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep" he said in a raspy voice "it's fine" i smile "well i think i'm gonna go..." he said i shock my head "No your kids are asleep and it's like one in the morning! stay" i said he get up from the couch and smile "well were am i going to sleep Nikki?" he said oh shit i sigh "well...you could sleep in my bed...with me" i look down "okay...but i'm just gonna go smoke a cigarette" he said i nodded my head and walk in my room and get changed into my PJ i close the lights and went in bed i heard the door open and smell cigarette he then get in bed i turn around to face him he put his hand on my cheek he kiss my forehead "good night Nik" he said "good night Saul..." i turn around i felt his arms wrap around my waist i feel his breath on my neck i turn around again to face him i missed his touch...i missed the way he made me feel

"Sl-" he kiss me i pull away and smile i kiss him he then get on top of me i wrap my arms around his neck he kiss my neck and make is way to my lips i heard knocking at the door we pulled away Slash groan i giggle  i get up and open the door and see Frankie "what's wrong baby?" i said "have you seen mister teddy?" she said i sigh "i think it's in the living room" i took her hand and walk in the living room i see mister teddy on the couch i pick it up and give it to her "here now let's go back to bed" i pick Frankie up and walk in her bedroom and put her in bed i kiss her forehead "good night my love" i said "good night Mommy" she said i close the door and walk back in my room and see Slash sleeping i get back in bed and fall asleep

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