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Me and Axl just moved to our new house actually is not that far from Slash and Nikki house I was about to go into the shower and someone knock on the door I opend the door and it was Nikki and she was crying "hey Nikki what's wrong" she look at me and said "I think I'm pregnant..." "what...?" I didn't even know what to say "does Slash know?" She look at me and said "No..." jezz I really don't know what to say what "I just really don't know what to say Nik...but umm...are you sure your Pregnant?" I said "I mean yeah I'm late and I'm always nauseous, Erin I swear If I pregnant I don't want the kid I'm mean not now but yeah someday I will want a kid but not now-" She said it super fast "ok Nikki stop! Everything will be fine if you are I'm sure Slash will be happy right?" I said she just nodded her head "but umm when was the last you and Slash you know..."I said she look at me and said "a Weeks ago..." I just nodded my head "and you guys didn't use a condom?" I said "i mean no he always pull out but i guess not this time..." she said i loo st her "what do you mean not this time...well the first thing your going to do is go buy a pregnancy test to see if your really pregnant"


Fuck I can't be pregnant I don't want to be pregnant fuck!
What am I going to tell Slash fuck!
I mean we've talk about having kid but not now! I'm only twenty two I can't be pregnant!
But Erin was right I should go buy a pregnancy test...it's the only way I can know the truth right?
I was about to leave
"Where are you going?" Slash said fuck what do I say "umm...to the grocery stores" I said he nodded his head "can i-" "NO!" I said "Nikki...are you okay?" He ask my eyes started to tear up "yes Slash I'm fine ok, I need to go.."


I'm really starting to get worried about Nikki she's never like that she's always emotional and that's not her...maybe she found out I've never actually quite heroin fuck I don't know!
Should i call Duff and tell him what's going on...yeah that's what I'm going to do "yeah.." duff said "hey dude its me Slash" I said "ohh hey dude what's up"
He said "oh you know same old...hey you want go out for a beer i need to talk to you"
I said "yeah sure..see you later" he said "ok bye Duff" and I hang up


ahh what a great sunny day in L.A.
"Nikki someone at the door" Meegan said I got up from the couch and go to the door and I thought it was Tommy but no..it was her "Nikki, what are you doing here?" I ask I could tell she was stress "can we umm...talk?" She said "yeah sure come in" I said we go to the living room and sit on the couch "how are you?" I said cause fuck if she's here I know for a fact she has something to tell me cause i know her to well..."i umm...I don't know.."she said "look Nik if you are here I know for sure you have something to tell me...come Nik just tell me what is it, did Slash d-" "I think I'm pregnant" she said "what!?" I said "I think I'm pregnant.." she said "woah i umm...are you umm...are you sure about that" I said woah fuck I didn't expect her to be pregnant "No..yes..fuck i dont know fuck!"she said fuck what do I say what do I say "did you tell Slash" I say "no..." she say "well whatever you do if your might Pregnant you know I'm always here for you..." she just nodded her head and said "I know Nikki..."


Well well well that's interesting
I should probably call Slash and tell him is girlfriend is pregnant...ahh I love my life

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