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Well well well that's interesting
I should probably call Slash and tell him is girlfriend is pregnant...ahh I love my life
I go to the kitchen and grab the phone and call Slash
"Hello?" He said gosh his voice is hot
"Hi Slash it's Meegan, look I have something important to tell you" I said
"Umm...yes what is it" he said "it's about your girlfriend Nikki" I said


Right now I'm on the phone with Meegan "it's about your girlfriend Nikki" she said shit what happened to my baby "wh-what is she ok!?" I said
"Yeah no she's totally fine" she said "ok then what is it?" I ask "look Slash she's umm...she's was talking with Nikki-" the fuck she was doing with Sixx "-and umm...she's pregnant" she said "what..." wow I can't fucking believe it does this mean I'm going to be a Dad?
"I'm so sorry Slash she don't deserve you, and the worst part of it she told her Ex before you.." she said I slammed th phone and take my jacket and got out of the house


Me and Erin were on are way to go to the stores and buy a pregnancy test as soon we got out of the car there was paparazzi "Nikki is it true that you and Slash are getting married" one of them said all I do was ignoring them "Erin do you have something to say about Axl arresting" I look at the paparazzi and said "you can all fuck off!" And get inside the stores fuck I hate getting recognized by paparazzi 'cause I'm Slash girlfriend' fuck!
"Here Nik these are the pregnancy test"
Erin said "ohh..ok how many should I buy, one, two?" I ask she look at me and said "probably two" I just nodded my head and took two of them and i bought it

30 min later....

"Are you sure that Axl is at the studio!?" I ask "yes Nikki I'm 100% sure and even if he was here what did you want him to do?" She said "Erin he's Slash best friend! If he found out that I'm HERE with pregnancy test he's gonna fucking tell him!" I said cause yes I'm at Erin place I didn't want to do the test at my house "OK Nikki! Stop fucking stressing about it! Ok, what's the big deal if you're pregnant then you're pregnant and if not then you're not ok..every thing is going to be fine...trust me" Erin said I've started to cry "aww Nik please don't cry..." she said "Erin I don't know if I want to be a Mom.." I said "ohh Nik I'm sure you will be a great Mom even if you don't want too..." she said "I've told Nikki about it.."I said "what do you mean you've told Nikki about it?" She Said "I mean I've told Sixx about it..." I said "ahh Nikki really!? you told sixx before Slash" she said "look ok I know I've fucked up ok!" I said "it's fine Nik...you should take the test now.." she say "yeah your right..." I get up from the couch and go to the bathroom and take the test out of the box "ok you can do it" I said to myself


While I was waiting for Nikki to take her pregnancy test I felt two big arm wrap around me "hey baby" he said "Axl what you doing here!?" I said fuck
"Umm..I just finished recording shit at the studio..what's up with you?" He ask
"Nothing..." I said I look down at my hands "Erin..I know when your lying I'm not that stupid" he said I roll my eye "look baby-" the bathroom door open "IT'S NEGATIVE!" Nikki said Axl look at Nikki then me and said "what's Negative?" He ask "uhhh.." me and Nikki said "umm..Erin I'm gonna go..cause you know" she said "umm..yeah I understand" I said


fuck yes I'm not pregnant yes!
I mean I will be one day...but not now, now I need to focus on my career and myself now I'm on my way to go buy a pack of cigarettes cause I haven't smoke for one week just to make sure I wasn't pregnant...

*to be continued*

Heyyyy you guys look I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry

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