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"Mommy!! SOMEONE IS ONE THE PHONE!!!" Frankie said i sigh and get up from the couch yeah Sixx is on tour for like two more weeks so now i have Frankie at my house. i pick up the phone "hey!" i said "oh my god hi!" i raised my eyebrow "who are you?" i said the person sigh "I'm your brother girlfriend...Mandy..." she said holy shit i forgot about her "oh hey! jesus i haven't heard from you since like when Frankie turn two!" i said Mandy giggle "yeah i know...look me Jackson are going to be in town next week, and we were wondering if we could come see you and Frankie...?" she said i smile "yeah sure! you guys can stay at my house!" i say "okay yeah sure! see you soon Nikki!!" i hang up "who was it Mommy!?!?" Frankie said "oh it was your aunty" Frankie look at me an raised her eyebrow "i have an aunty? since when!?" she said i shock my head "since when you were a baby!" i laugh 

1 week later...

i heard knocking at the door "MOMMY!!! UNCLE JACKSON IS HERE!!" Frankie said she super excited!! i open the door and see my brother with is girlfriend or should i say fiance "Hey you guys!" i said "uncle Jackson!!!" Frankie said "hey baby girl!!" he give her a hug "Hey!" Mandy said and give me a hug "Hey little sis!" Jackson said "hey!" i said 

later that night...

right now we are eating at a restaurant "so Frankie what did you do last night?" Mandy ask Frankie giggle "we went to go see a movie!!" she said "that's nice what was the name of the movie?" Mandy said "Shrek!!" She said i look at Frankie and smile "cool!!" Jackson said Frankie nodded her head  Jackson look at me and smirk "so lil sis did you found someone yet" i shock my head and take a sip of my water "oh yes she did right Mom!! his name is Slash" Frankie said i chock on my water and my eyes widened "Oh yeah!? Slash huh?" Jackson look at me and shock his head "yep!" Frankie said and eat her dino nugget . well Jackson look pissed great! he hate Slash! he hate the things he did to me and the way he act...

we went back to my place i put Frankie to bed and Mandy went to bed me and Jackson sit outside smoking a cigarette he look at me and sigh "so Slash huh...?" he said i look at him and shrug "yeah...don't worry though were not dating" i look down and sigh "well you want too" he said i look at him and nodded my head "yeah i do...i mean we've fucked a couple of time and we act like a couple but we're not..." i said me and my brother are so close i mean i could tell him everything and he wont judge me 

he nodded his head "look Nikki i just don't want him to hurt you like he did back then" Jackson said i look at him and nodded my head "i know...but trust me he changed alot he's sober and he quit everything except he still smoking cigarettes" i said Jackson laugh "of course he is" he said i giggle he look down "why don't you invite him tomorrow for diner?" he ask i look at him and laugh "Jackson do i have to remind you that i can't cook!?" i laugh "it's fine me and Mandy will cook something!" he said i nodded my head "okay fine!" i said "i just want to make sure he's good for you sis" Jackson said i look at him "Jack! we are not together" i look down and blush "well you should talk to him about that!" he said i mean he's right i should talk to him about what we are... 

"anyway i'm gonna go to bed lil sis!" i nodded my head "Jack..." i said he turn around "yeah?" he said "is it okay if you watch Frankie for tonight?" i said he smirk "yeah sure! have fun!!" he walk back inside the house i shock my head. i take my Iphone out of my jeans pocket yeah they create those little fucker this year and do i love it well the answer is no! i fucking hate it! anyway i called Slash hopefully he's not sleeping  cause it's like 11:30 PM "yeah..?" he said in a raspy voice "oh did i wake you up? sorry" i said he chuckle "no it's fine, what's wrong baby?" i bite my lips Nikki on earth fuck i swear is raspy voice is like the hottest thing on earth i mean just is voice in general is hot!  i shock my head "um do you have the kids?" i said he chuckle "no why?" Slash said "can i spend the night at yours, i really need to talk to you about something" i said "euh yeah sure, is everything okay sweetheart?" he said i sigh "yeah!" "okay well i'll see you soon!" he said i hang up walk back inside the house and took my key car

i drive to Slash house, i knock on his door and he open "hey!" he hug me "hey.." i get inside "wanna tell me what's wrong?" he said i look at him and sigh "what are we Slash?" he look at me confused "huh??" he said i sigh "what are we..." i said he look at me and nodded his head "what do you want Nik?" he look at me i scoffed "fuck Saul! i want you! i've never felt something like that for anyone else except for you!" i said Slash look at me and smirk  "well that's what i needed to hear" he said i look at him confused "wh-what..?" he crash his lips into mine "you know what i mean Nikki" he smirk i raised my eyebrow "Nikki my love, would you like to be my girlfriend again, and i swear i'm not going to  fucked this up this time" he smirk  i giggle and nodded my head "yes! i would love to be your girlfriend Slash!" i jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist hand kiss him 

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