73 3 0

May 14 1982

"So you guys kiss!?" Erin said she was the only one to know  i I've kiss Nikki "yeah...I've never in my whole life kiss someone and felt a weird feeling i mean it's a good one..." i said Erin look at me and said "well umm...he's kinda the first guy you kiss thought" i look at her and said "euh that's not true Erin" she look at me with a weird face "Erin don't you remember the guy i kiss at the party?"i said "well it doesn't count" she said "the fuck you mean it doesn't count?" i ask "well you were drunk and the dude was like twenty-nine"  she said  "okay so? still count" i said "mhm if you say so" she said


i really don't understand her i mean it's kinda gross to kiss someone who is twenty-nine for there first kiss she's always been obsessed with older guy it doesn't surprise me  thank god Sixx is twenty-three but still it's kinda gross anyway i hope Sixx gonna treat her right or i swear i'm gonna chop is dick! "well you know what...I'm happy for you Nikki and i swear to god if that dick head broke your heart I'm gonna kill him" i just look at her and we've started to laugh "i love you Erin" i said "love you too" she said


"OHH YES DUDE!!!" i said "i know she's perfect" Nikki said "Dude it's like my sister and my brother are fucking each other" i said "euh T can you not...and first of all we haven't fuck yet" Nikki said "yeah sorry dude, i can't believe your dating someone who's fifteen" i said he roll his eye's "she's gonna be sixteen soon dude relax" he said  "yeah you mean next year, soo who made the big move?" i ask "well me...i swear T I've never kiss someone like that in my whole life-" while Nikki is talking about is love life it made me realize that no one will ever love me the way he love her "T you ok dude?" He ask me "umm yeah I'm fine, dude we should go to the Rainbow and invite the girls what do you say" i said Nikki look at me and said "yeah so you could just flirt  with Erin" i started to blush cause come on we all know Erin is hot her eye's I've never seen blue eye's like that i my whole life "yeah whatever atleast  she's not fifteen" i laugh and thank god he did too  "well what are you wanting dude come on!" Nikki said we've get up from the couch and go to the Girls apartments!

Heyyy guys i know this one is short sorry, do you guys think Erin  and Tommy did have something in the past!?!?

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