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I woke up and see Slash in not here anyway I walk in the kitchen and see a note

'Hey babe I'm at the studio with the boys I should be back around five!
Love you Slash xxx'

Gosh I love him! I opened the fridge "well looks like I need to do some grocery" I murmur I took a Red Bull
And walk back in the room I took Slash shirt and put on some jeans I grab my car key and drive to the stores


"Hey Slash I need to go to the stores to go buy some liquor, wanna come?" I say since this morning we're in the studio and I'm sick of it! "Euh yeah sure dude give me a sec" he say I nodded my head


I walk in the store and see that Meegan is here great I roll my eyes and took a cart "Hi Nikki!" She say gosh her voice make me sick!

I look at her "what do you want!?" I said she smirk "well I heard that you and Slash are back together" she said I roll my eyes and sigh "yeah why you jealous?" I smirk

I can see the rage in her eyes! Well that's gonna be fun!
"So how many guys have you had
on the side besides Slash? Or have
you had enough guys since Sixx
that it doesn't even matter at all?
It just shows how easy you are
doesn't it? Is it just the next one
that walks into your life? Do you
even have any shame at all?!" She smirk

My jaw dropped "oh you bitch!" I say I punch her in the face and her nose starts to bleed
"YOU cunt!" She say she slape me in the face gosh this bitch is dead!


I walk in the store with Duff and he chuckle "What?" I say "look at those girls, they're fighting" he laugh "oh shit" I laugh too "wait-dude isn't that your chick with Meegan" he laugh oh shit I run over her and see the cops coming in damn she didn't miss Meegan her face is cover in blood I chuckle

that's my girl "Nikki Jenesse, your getting arrested, you better keep silence!" The cops say I see Nikki with a big smirk on her face "hey don't talk to my girlfriend like that you prick!" I said the cops look at me and laugh "oh and your getting arestted too!" He say "what did I do!" I say gosh fucking hate cops! "oh well you disrespect a cop!" The cops say I roll my eye and the handcuff me and Nikki they put us in the cop car she look at me and shook her head I can tell she's mad at me "what did I do?" I say "what did you do , are you fucking serious!" She say "oh like I was gonna let that prick talk to you like that!" I say she sigh "and you wanna tell me why your getting arrested" I say she look down and smirk "well I kinda umm beat the shit out of Meegan, well she deserved it" she smirk "you're crazy y'know that" I laugh "I know" she wink

*At the police station*

"You guys are free to go, but first you guys need to sign some papers" the cop said
I took Nik hand and nodded my head I walk over where we need to sign those papers I look at Axl "thanks man.." I say cause yeah..Axl bailed us out "I'll pay you back Axl I swear" Nikki said he look at us and roll his eyes "you guys are fucking asshole! now both of you shut up! And go to the damn car!" he said jeez he act like a damn dad!


pay me back that's the biggest bullshit I've heard! Those two fucker cost me height-hundred bucks!
"Ax-" "I don't want hear it Slash!" I say


Jeez Axl act like my fucking Dad!
I look at Slash and kiss is jaw and make my way to his lips I get on top of him "jeez can you guys fuck some where else than in my fucking car!" Axl say I give him the middle finger I kiss Slash neck and he grab my ass I did some hickey we arrived at our house "thanks for the ride Ax!" I say and give him a 20 buck "yeah, and you guys better use protection!" He said "yes Dad!" I laugh we get inside and I wrap my legs around Slash waist

he kiss my neck "Slash.." I moan we go to the bedroom and I took my pants and shirt off and Slash did the same "gosh you're hot Nikki" I blush
And he slam his dick inside me and I gasp "fuck Slash" I moan I put my arms around his neck he started to go deeper and faster "Sla-" I moan so hard dude I bet the whole neighborhood could hear me!!

"Babe-im close" I say "I know-" he say "oh fuck-Slash plea-" I started to cry my orgasm is so close "fuck- just come" he say and I did he kiss me and get off me "you use protection right?" I say he look at me with a confused look "no, but you know I always pull out" he say I nod my head I put my head on his chest and close my eyes


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