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It's been five months that me and Slash are together and let me tell you those five months have been the best time in my life i never felt this happy in my whole life!!! Axl ask Erin to be his girlfriend and it been four months that they are together...GNR have become bigger too I'm so happy for them i haven't really talk to the Crue guy all i know is that Tommy is getting married to a girl that name is Heather she's very nice and she's an actress and Vince have meet one of my friend and yes it's Sharise i knew that they would match and Nikki well he meet a girl name Meegan Hodge or something like that she seem nice i mean I've only seen her once and Mick well last time I've talk to him i was drunk and he told me to fuck off
And that was exactly 2 week's ago ohh and I've found a job well Slash don't really like it but whatever he always support me in everything well yeah i work at a strip club and let me tell you it's fun but not when there's perv calling you baby or sexy I've told my boss that i wouldn't do private dance (expect for Slash hehe) cause it would be gross and I'm with Slash can you just imagine doing a dance to a guy you don't know and your dating someone that would be gross!

Right now I'm on my way to go buy a snake for Slash for our five months i do still have Rose Slash kinda fall in love with her and it's cute but i really don't know which snake I'm gonna get him cause we already have a anaconda maybe I'm gonna get him a python i don't know ohhh and i forgot me and Slash bought a place for us it's kinda big it's actually right up the whiskey well actually it's not far away from Mötley old place i walk into the pet store and started to look for the snake section "hi how can i help you miss" the young lady ask me well maybe she was 15 16 year "uhh yes I'm looking for a python" i say "euhh yes what kind of python miss" she ask me ok you you will probably find this weird but i don't know what is the specific word for a python well the yellow one i called them banana Slash know what is it me I'm not a python girl i'm a anaconda girl i know more about anaconda than python "i don't know just...just show me all python you have please" i say "ok yes follow me" she said I've followed her and she showed me all the python they have there was one that caught my attention "what kind is this one" i point her the snake "this is a boa constrictor we actually don't know if is a she or a he"
I look at the price mehh the snake wasn't expensive it was the cage and the food and all but hey i love my man so "ok yeah i'm gonna take that one" i said "great choice miss but...boa are not perfect for beginner if YOU are one" she say "girl trust me I'm not a beginner i have a green anaconda the snake is for my man" i told her "wow I've always wanted a green anaconda" she said i paid for all the thing the snake and food and the cage and all it cost me a lot but i love him


I didn't know what to buy Nikki for our five months so i bought a sexy set of lingerie the color was a red sexy it's gonna look soo good on my baby especially with her big tits and her ass is gonna look HOT on her juste the think of that gonna make me have a bonner ohh and i bought her a vibrator for her cause yeah...and i bought handcuffs too cause the last one we had broke yeahh...hope she's gonna like her gift!


I just got home i hope slash didn't see me coming "SLASHYYY IF YOUR IN OUR ROOM STAY THERE OR I'M GONNA KILL YOU OK!!" i yell cause i was downstairs and he was upstairs "YES MOMMY!!" he said  i laugh fuck Slash make me happy!
I bring the snake upstairs hopefully he won't come out of the room or i will kill him! i bring the cage upstairs too and put the snake in i go get Slash in our room "hi baby"  i say "hey my sexy women" he said i give him a huge and kiss him "soo you want you gift now...cause you really don't have a choice" i say "why?" he ask "cause it's-umm it's pretty big y'know" i said and give him a smirk "oh ok then" he said i grab his hand and told him to close his eyes we go to the living room "ok you can open now" i told him in a baby voice he open his eye's and his jaw dropped "baby you did not" he said i nodded my head he i have a big smile on his face and i love when he smile he's so cute "thank you so much baby, boa are my favorite snake" he said "really i thought it was the banana one?" i said he started to laugh slash have a cute laugh and i love it "Nah the 'banana' one are not my favorite but boa is" he said "ohh...so what are you gonna name it?" i said cause i don't if it's a she or him the girl told me they didn't know "well is it a girl or a boy?" he ask me "umm i don't know.." i said he look at me in the eye's "wait...you don't know what the sex is?" He ask me "well no cause they told me they didn't know either" i said he took the snake out "umm...i would say it's a girl" he said wait this did this bitch just took the snake out and look it and say it's a damn girl?! "Wow really, so what are you going to name her?" I ask he look at the snake and said "Pandora" i look at the snake "yeah Pandora look good" i said he put Pandora back in her cage "well do you want your surprise now or you want to eat..." he ask i look at him and said "umm...surprise" i said do you really think I'm going to eat before my surprise "ok prefect baby" he said with a sexy smirk what did that fucker get me  he took my hand and go to our room "ok baby close your eye's and trust me ok" he said  "okay.." i say i was kinda scared to be honest cause with Slash you will never know what you're gonna get anyway i close my eye's "ok how many finger do i have" he ask "Slash are you fucking serious!?" I said he laugh "yeah go, how many finger do i have?" He ask me again "i don't fucking know Slash...two?" I said "ok that's good" he said "ok you can open now baby" he said i look at the bed and my jaw dropped of what i see


Well from the look of her face i think she like her gift "like you gift baby" i ask her "Slash i umm..." i started to kiss her neck she moan "Slash i-"she moan i started bite her neck and i whisper in her ear "if you want that you better go change in that beautiful lingerie that daddy bought for you" and her response was a moan


Fuck me dude i took the red lingerie he bought me and go to the bathroom but he grab my arm and said in a sexy voice "uhhh did i said you could go change in the bathroom!?" I gasp cause normally Slash don't act like that when we do it he's soft i mean don't get me wrong i like it but fuck! the last time we have sex was last night and i called him daddy by accident and it was so embarrassing   but he told me he loved it "well what are you wanting for Nikki!?" He said i started to take of my clothes "wow how can i be so lucky to have you" he whisper i start to put on the lingerie on


"Fuck Nikki your hot" he said i look over the bed and see handcuff  i look at Slash and said in a slutty voice "I'm asking myself if you bought those thing for you baby?" He look at me and chuckle "ohhh Babe you don't know what you just getting in...

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"Fuck Nikki your hot" he said i look over the bed and see handcuff  i look at Slash and said in a slutty voice "I'm asking myself if you bought those thing for you baby?" He look at me and chuckle "ohhh Babe you don't know what you just getting into" he said i look at him and give him a sexy smirk he start to kiss me and i kiss him back he push me to the bed and we still kissing he start to kiss my neck and i moan...my moan for him was melody he start sucking on my soft spot and made me moan louder "Oh my god Slash i-" i moan still kissing my neck he took both of my hand and put the handcuff on he look at me right in the eye's to ask me "can i?" see that's why i love him every time we do it he always asking me before we can do it i just look at him a and nodded my head he take of my top and start to suck on one of my nipple i moan i arch my back when he finish sucking on my nipple he bite my nipple piercing and that was hot he started to kiss were my private was and took of the pant of he started to lick my clit  and i moan in pleasure  "oh-my god Slash" i moan he started to suck my clit "god-SLASH" he stop "hey! What the fuck Slash!?" I said he started to laugh "ohhh is my baby mad?" He said he unlock the handcuff yes my hands are free now i get on top of Slash and start to kiss his neck and it made him moan i pull is pant down and took his shirt of i seen that his dick is getting hard and that there is pre-cum i started to suck on his dick "ohhh fuck baby" he moan he grab my hair and of course  i start to suck faster "ba-Nikki FUCK" he moan i know my baby is enjoying this but i stop i look him in the eye's and kiss his lips

"Ok baby ready" he said i  nodded my head he get on top of me he put himself inside of me i moan he was right on the spot he started to go fast made me moan louder "Sla-DADDY" i said oh sit i said it again well fuck me "fuck baby I'm close" he said he go faster "Slash" i cried we came at the same time "fuck that was good thank you baby" he said and kiss my forehead i didn't know what to say i just look at him and kiss him i really love him "Slash...." i said "mm yeah?" He said "i love you" i told him "me too Nikki me too" he said we cuddle and fall asleep

Hello guys hope you like this chapter <3

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