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"So how does it feel to be out of rehab?"
"It feel nice i guess.." what the fuck do you want me to say to this stupid question like 'yeah noo i miss doing drugs' fuck!

"You know...you should probably go to rehab too Slash" he look at me and start laughing "m-me go to rehab-oh fuck no" he said still laughing i don't know what happen between him and Nikki but it seem bad like really bad she's always drunk and him well....he's always drunk or on drugs all the fucking time

"Look Slash i-i don't know what happen between you and her but-"
"I don't want to talk about it"
I didn't said anything actually i don't even know what to say anymore


Me and Axl decide that we needed to do some shopping before the tour start! i'm looking at the dress and look at Axl "baby..." i said he look at me and said "yes...?"
"i was thinking maybe we should do a party before you leave"
"yeah sure why not...why don't you invite Nikki and i invite the boys" he said i look at him and said  "Baby i don't know if it's a good idea to invite Nikki, i mean Slash is going to be there and i know she's still mad at him"
"why she's mad at him!? he didn't do anything! did she told you why she was mad at him!?" he said i mean it's true she didn't  tell me why she's mad at him but still he put his left hand on my cheek "look invite Nikki and i will invite boys and other people okay?" he said "yeah your right" i said " i know i'm always right" he said "yeah right" i said he kiss me and said "i love you Erin" "i love you too babe" gosh i'm so lucky to have him!


I was on the phone with Nikki
"so me and Axl are doing a party, would you like to come?" I ask i bet she's drunk
"When?" she ask "it's gonna be tonight" i said she didn't say anything wow did this bitch hang up on me!? "is he going to be there?" She ask fuck what do i say fuck
"Umm...probably yeah.." i said
"I don't know Erin-" "oh come there's gonna be a lot of people and i don't wanna be alone please Nikki" i said fuck Nikki just say yes "i umm, ok yeah"
"Ohhh i love YOU!!! See you tonight" i said and hang up 


What the FUCK i was thinking now i need to get fucking ready to go to at this stupid party! And he's going to be there i haven't seen him for weeks! fuck! why did i say yes! ughh i don't want to talk to him or even see him!


I drive to Axl and Erin house and she was right there is a lot of fucking people i park my car and walk inside fuck i really don't wanna be here! "hey! oh my god i love you're dress!!" Erin said and hug me for some reason i was happy to be there well first i know I'm getting drunk and second well Erin is there "oh thank you!" i said  "How are you?" she ask "I'm fine Erin...and you?" She look at me an smile "I'm doing fine, now come the boys are in the living room" she took my hand and we walk in the living room...and there he was sitting on the couch with a bottle of jack in his hand and a cigarette on the other "well, well well there she is" Duff said "where the fuck have you been?" i look at Duff and said "at some bar i think" Steven look at me and laugh "what do you mean you think?" Steven said "i don't fucking know popcorn maybe i was to drunk to remember shit oaky now leave it!" I said and i will admit It sounded rude and everyone look at me fuck I'm mean Slash even look at me "you know what it doesn't matter...I'm, i'm gonna go to the bathroom" i said i took a bottle of jack and walk where the bathroom is and there is this fucking giant that is blocking the door "hey can you see i'm trying to get in!?" i said he look at me "oh shit sorry...umm my name is Sebastian by the way" he said i look at him and give him a what the fuck look "okay don't care now get the fuck out!" i said and he did jeez i hate people! 

i get inside and sit on the toilet and start to drink and i heard the door open i don't even look "you come to the living room without giving me a kiss or a hug?" Fuck if this night couldn't get any worst "are you fucking kidding me Slash a kiss!?" I said he didn't even say a thing "fuck Slash! You come home from tour without giving a fuck about me all you do is Fuck me or HEROIN!" I said fuck why did i start to talk "the fuck you talking about?" He said he didn't even look at me "don't fucking lie in my fucking face Slash! Why!? Why are you doing this!" I said "I DON'T KNOW OK!" He said i roll my eye "of course you fucking don't! look Slash I'm scared to lose you ok" i started to cry he get on his knees and hug me and i hug him back "I'm so sorry Nikki..." he said "it's gonna take more than a sorry Slash" i said he look at me and give me a weird look "for what!? Cause i do drugs!? Nikki I'm sorry but you're not better" he's he fucking serious! "what the fuck are you talking about!" I said "i mean your ALWAYS drunk and look like you start to smoke some pot" he laugh "ARGHH SLASH!!" Is he fucking kidding me! "Ok you know what we're both not ok!" He said and laugh again i want to slap him across the face but i won't "haha ok you're done laughing cause I'm going home ok so bye!" I said i get up from the toilet seat and Slash grab my wrist "Nikki I'm sorry but you cannot drive...you're drunk" i look at him he's he serious "euh yeah no but whatever" i said  he took my hand "look i'm gonna drive okay?" he said i nodded my head

Hiii guys!!

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