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well where can i start...me and Jayden have been arguing alot! and i'm tired of it! he's always drunk and he's always at the bar! oh and he always blame shit on me! he's been acting like this since he lost his parent in October...Slash got married again...he's married to Perla yeah i'm not really that surprise to be honest, i hope he's happy...Lili is still with Luke i'm very happy for them! they are having a kids!! it's a girl! they're gonna named her Mae, i hope one day i'm going to have a kids...and if i do well i hope it's gonna be a girl so her and Mae can be bestfriend!

my old manager called me and ask me if i wanted to go back working in Playboy and of course i said yes! i think it's been five months i'm working there and oh boy let me tell you that Jayden hate it! i think he's jealous oh well! 

"girl! what are you doing tonight??" Layla said i met her at work she's the sweetest person i've ever met in my whole life! i giggle "nothing, why?" i said "okay well tonight i'm doing this big ass party and YOU need to be there!" she said i laugh "okay i will be there!" i said "okay be there at six!" she say "Okay!" i hang up well looks like i need to get ready! 

later that night...

"where are you going!?" Jayden said "going out..." i look down and sigh i open the door and he grab my wrist i hiss "Jayden let me go!" i say he close the door "get on your knees!" he scream i look away and he grab my face to make me look at him i started to cry "Jayden please" he let go of my face "GET.ON.YOUR.KNEES!" he said "NO!" i push him and open the door and run to my car i drive to a store i look myself in my car mirror and see that my face is red i look down to my wrist and it's red too i look at my engagement ring and cry i took my ring off and put it in my purse i sigh and get out of my car and walk in the store and go took a bottle of Jack Daniel's and walk to the register the girl look at me and she make a sad smile "hi how are you?" she said i nod my head "I'm fine! can you get me a pack of Marlboro Red please" i sigh she scan my things and pay "have a good one!" she said i nodded my head i walk out if the store and sit on the bench i open my pack of smoke and light one and then took a sip of my drink

"mind if you share?" i look up and see him i sigh and give him my bottle of Jack "Jesus christ Nik, what happen to you face!?" he get on his knees and look at my face "leave it! don't you have a wife to take care of!?" i say he look at me and rolled his eye's "don't be bitch! now tell me who did this to you!?" he say i look down and i was about to cry "Slash please don't... " i whisper  and a tear fall down my eye i toss my cigarette and take the bottle from Slash hand gosh couldn't this night can get any better i get up Slash hug me i push him away "Slash seriously please leave me alone..." i said he shock his head "now tell me what's happening Nikki!" he say 

i look down and sigh "m-me and Jayden, we've been arguing alot an-and it's bad Slash.." i cry he lift my jaw and i can see anger in his eye's "and let me guess he's the one who did this?" he say i "maybe..." i whisper "oh Nikki...i'm so sorry my lo-" " i mean why do you care Slash? and don't call me love! you have a wife Slash you should worry more about her then me!" i took my stuff and walk away 

2 days later...

"OH MY GOD JAYDEN FUCK YOU!" i scream "FUCKING CUNT! I BET YOU SLEPT WITH HIM TOO!"  i look at him and raised my eyebrow "the fuck your talking about!?" i say he scoff "oh don't play dumb Nikki! i've seen you guys at the store sitting on the bench!" he say "You were following me?" i say he smirk "yeah! and i'm glad i did!" he say i look at him and smirk "well you know what!?" i say "WHAT CUNT!?" he say "WE ARE DONE!" i took off my ring and throw it at him and walk away

hey guys!!

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