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Nikki Pov

4 month later...

it's been four month that me and Slash have broke up...and four month i haven't see him...i just can't believe that him and Perla were doing this behind my back, anyway i've been living with Jayden since then and it's great i quit my job and i decide to go work with Jayden to be honest i missed living the 'normal' life y'know i also change my hair they are now blond and i love it! oh and i also quite drugs it was very hard but i did it! it's been five weeks that i'm clean!!

i woke up and see that is 10:45 Am i sigh i get up take a quick shower, get ready i walk in the kitchen and see that Jayden is not there mhm that's weird he always wake up before me, i walk in his bedroom and see that he's still sleeping i smirk i get on top of him "get up!" i giggle he open his eye's and smile "good morning to you too Sweetheart!" he say in a raspy voice he then put his hand on my hips i look at him and smile he roll me over i can see he's beautiful eye's i put my arms around his neck and kiss him, yeah it's been a week since we started this thing...nothing to serious i mean we don't even date! and we didn't even had sex yet! can you believe it's almost been three month i didn't even had sex! and it drive me crazy! but i want to wait before having sex with Jayden!

he kiss my neck i bite my lips he stop and look at me "you smell good" i blush "thanks" i say he kiss my cheek "your cute when you blush y'know" he say i blush even more "okay Jayden!" i say he chuckle and get up and go to the bathroom and i go to the kitchen i open the fridge and take a Red Bull i feel two big arms wrap around my waist i turn around and see Jayden with a cigarette between his lips and fuck he look hot i mean every men that smoke are hot! i bit my lips he chuckle "take a pic it last longer" he wink i blush "oh shut up!" i giggle i heard someone knocking at the door i walk over the door and open it and see Erin

"Erin hi, come in!!" i give her a hug "hey girl, hey Jayden!" Jayden nod his head "Nikki i'm gonna go, Luke wanted to see me" he say i look at him and smile "see you later i guess" i say he smirk and give me a kiss on my forehead "yeah see you later princess" he say and walk out of the house Erin look at me and giggle "what?" i look down "since when did this start" she ask i look at her and smile "a week.." i blush she laugh "wow...hey umm Axl doing a party tonight, and i was wondering if you will like to co-" "No!" i say "oh come on Nikki!! it's gonna be fun and Slash- " "see that's the problem, Slash gonna be there!" i say no but like is she fucking kidding me!

"look i know, just don't talk to him! and to be honest when was the last time you had fun?" she's right! "please Nikki" she make puppy eyes i look at her and sigh "Okay! fine!" i say she jump in my arm "Oh my god Yes!!! be there at Six" she say i nod my head

*Later That Day*

i told Jayden i was going to a party tonight! i'm wearing jeans and a black crop top "Jayden i'm going out!" i say "wait!!" he kiss my lips and i smile he give me his jeans coat i look at him and raised my eyebrow "well i don't want you to get cold" he say aww he's so sweet "thank you" i kiss him "Bye Jay!" he look at me and smile "bye Nik"

i get into my car and drive to Axl house i park my car and walk in Axl house "Hey!" i say "Nikki! you made it!!" Erin said i look around and see a lot of peoples! i look at Erin and laugh "gosh did you guys invited the whole town" i say she look at me and laugh "yeah..." she say i shook my head "Where's my drink" i say "oh wait let go get it" i nod my head gosh one thing i hate about Axl party's is that there's to much people!

"here you go girl!" Erin give me my drink "thank you!!" i say "i'm gonna go outside and try to go find Axl" she say i nod my head i walk in the living room and sit on the couch and sigh "damn what that pretty mouth can do baby!?" i turn around and see a weird guy "sorry what!?" i say "damn and you got big tits too wow!" he say i get up and slap him in the face "you asshole!" i say and walk away the dude keep following me i walk in the hallway and the guy grab my arm "let me go you fucking asshole!" i say "not until you show me what this mouth can do" he say he push my head so i could get on my knees and unzip his pants a tear fall down my eyes "please.." i say "Shut up cunt! now you better suck it!" he say i start to cry "Let her go you fucking ASSHOLE!" i turn around and see him

"Slash.." i get up and run to him he held me in his arms "whatever dude she's a slut anyway!" the guy said Slash let go of me and punch the guy in his face "now get the fuck out of here!" Slash say

Slash look at me and see me cry he walk over me and hug me "it's ok Nikki, i'm here" he kiss my head i sigh in his chest one thing i miss about Slash well i miss everything about but there's one thing i really miss...it's his comfort yeah...i look at him and sigh "thank you.." i look him in the eyes "i miss you Nikki" he say i pull away from the hug and scoff "i-i we can't Slash this feel wrong, i mean you have a girlfriend now!" i say yeah he's dating this bitch Renee Suran!

"Okay well i'm gonna break up with her then Nik- i miss you" he started to cry "you know it fucking killed me when i saw you with Perla!" i cried "i'm sorsy Nikki i really am!" he say i shook my head "no your not, cause if you were sorry, you wouldn't had sex with her!" i cry Slash look down "you know i'm going to wait for you Nikki, even if i have to wait 20 years!" Slash say and walk away i sit dow and cry even more thank god no one was there cause i probably look like a damn mess

later that night...

"okay Nikki that's enough!" Erin said i'm so drunk right now i could barely stand up "N-no give me ba-ck my d-rink!" i said Erin sigh "okay Nikki i'm driving back home!" she walk me to my car and she drive i look down "d-do you think, he rea-lly mean it!" i say "who?" she ask i think a fall asleep cause i don't remember the car ride we arrived at Jayden house "okay were here, let me go get Jayden" she say i sigh and felt the urge to throw up i open the car door and throw up "jeez princess you okay" i nod my head "She drunk so yeah ima leave her to you! bye Nikki!" Erin say i tried to get up but i fall i started to cry "hey what's wrong my love" he ask i shrug he smile and pick me up bridal style he put me to bed and i fall asleep

*Hey guys!!

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