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now i'm with my friend Lili well she's actually my bestfriend i met her in high school right now we are at this restaurant called five guys "so your telling me you guys fucked for three hours!?" i say she giggle "yeah, and oh my god he fuck like a god i swear Nikki!" i laugh "you say that every time you fucked a guy!" i say she shook her head "that's not true!" she say i laugh "that's the biggest bullshit you've said!" i laugh she shook her head "whatever! how's you and country boy? do you ride him like a cowgirl too i-" my jaw dropped "Oh my god Lili shut up!" i look down and blush she kept laughing!

later that day...

i was doing some shopping and i bump into someone "oh my god i'm so sorry" i say i look at her and realize it was Renee well i should say Slash wife! yeah they got married like one month ago "oh my god Nikki!?" she said i fake smile "hey!" she look at me and smile "jeez it's been so long i haven't heard of you it's like you disappear..." she said well maybe that's what i wanted to do! "oh yeah...well i kinda quit my job you know the whole fame thing it's not really my thing" i say she nod her head "babe let's go i'm gonna be late fo-" Slash look me in the eyes i look at him and look down "well you guys have nice day, my boyfriend is probably waiting for me" i smile and walk away

later that day...

"Oh my god girl tonight i'm doing a party and i want you there!" Pam said i chuckle "and how many people are going to be there Pamela?" i say she was thinking about it "i-i don't know...hundreds and invite who ever you want!" she say i scoff "fine!" i laugh "oh my god yes! oh and Lili is going too!" she said i hang up and sigh i go outside and see Jayden with Luke i walk over them and wrap my arms around Jayden "oh hey babe" he say i smile "hey, you guys wanna go to a party tonight?" i say Luke look at me and smirk "is there gonna be hot chick!?" he say i laugh "well Pamela Anderson is gonna be there an-" Luke cut me off "Jayden we're going!" i look at Jayden and we laugh "okay well the party start at seven" i say they nod they're head and i walk back inside

fuck what am i gonna wear i walk over the closet maybe a dress? no! oh fuck it i'm gonna wear leather pants with a a black crop top with my black converse yeah that sound good!

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