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After the movie we decided to go at Axl and Erin place
"You guys want something to drink" Erin ask "the same thing babe please" Axl say wich was beer "vodak for me please" Duff said
"Jack" Slash said "umm same as Slash..." i said i look down at my feet "well I'm gonna need someone to help me" Erin said i look at her and said "Yep I'm coming" we walk in the kitchen Erin kept looking at me "what..?"i ask "what happend at the movie cause i know for sure it doesn't take thirty minutes to piss" she say

"Umm...i went to smoke" i lied "bullshit Nikki i know when you lie, seriously what happend?" She said i roll my eye "you better not tell anyone not even Axl ok!" I said "ok i promise!!" She said "me and Slash kinda have a huge fucking make out session in the bathroom.."i said her jaw dropped "Nikki! Seriously!" She said "i know you think i'm proud of myself!" I said "i just can't believe you did this Nik"she said "i know and I'm sorry.." i said i look down at my feet "look Nikki I'm not mad at you..and i promise to keep you secret safe" she said "thank you Erin" i said "well..we should bring the drinks before they notices we're gone to long"she said " yeah your right" i said we took the drink and bring it to the boys

Erin give Axl his beer and give Slash is Jack and i give Duff is Vodka "thank you Nik" Duff said "you welcome" i said Duff was sitting on the couch soo i decide to sit on his lap i heard Slash scoff "we should play a game!!" Erin said "babe n-" "no Axl i think it's a great idea" Slash said i look at him and he smirk "ok let's play truth or dare" she said "ohh that's gonna be interesting" Axl said

"how about you start Erin" Slash said "ok umm...Axl truth or dare" she said "truth" he said "is it truth that you are scared of snake" she ask "false and what the fuck is this question babe" he said well that's bullshit cause i remember one time at my old apartments where i used to lived with Slash one day Axl came to visit us and my snake Rose was out of her tank and oh boy he was scared i mean i've never seen Axl this scared dude it was funny

"ok i guess it's my turn..Duff truth or dare" Axl said "truth i geuss" he said i was still sitting on his lap i took a sip of my drink and Axl said "have you two fucked" i choke on my drink "what!?" i said "the fuck is this question man of course not" Duff said "bullshit dude you guys are always together" Axl said "dude i swear we haven't fucked" he said "mhm...well anyway it's your turn" he said no but what the fuck he's is fucking problem man like i fucking fucked Duff that's crazy "Slash truth or dare" he ask "dare" he said "chug your drink" Duff said Slash look at him with a what the fuck look and chug is drink "pfft that was easy man, okay i guess it's my turn" he said Slash look at me and smirk "Nikki truth or dare" Slash ask " dare" i said "i dare you to kiss me" he said "what!?" i said "well you've said dare Nikki" Axl said is he fucking serious dude i roll my eye got up from Duff lap and walk at Slash i look in his eye...god his eyes are beautiful anyway i kiss him "happy?" i said he just nod his head i go back to Duff and sit on his lap i took a big sip from my drink "well i guess it's my turn...Slash truth or dare" i said he look at me and smirk "truth" he said "is it truth that you've cheated on me while we were still together" i ask fuck what did i just say..."ohh damn" Axl said "what..?" he ask "well come on Slash she ask you a question you need to answer it" Erin said in a rude way "i-i mean yeah once and your already know who it is" he said i look down at my feet fuck what did i just do i just wanted to cry "ok Nikki truth or fucking dare" he ask i didn't even look in is eye "truth" i said "okay tell them what happened in the bathroom at the movie" he said i look at him and shook my head "come on Nikki, or should i tell them" he said "ok me and her m-"

"WE'VE MAKE OUT OK" i said "oh shit" Axl said i look at Duff and whisper "i'm sorry" "umm i need to go outside" he said he took me off of his lap and go outside "umm me and Axl are gonna go outside too" Erin said she took Axl hand and go outside i started to cry "Nik...i'm sorry" he said "oh fuck off Slash!" i said he was about to hug me but i push him away "you know what i'm not SORRY! and i'm not sorry that i've cheated on you!" he said i look at him and cry more "you...you don't mean that..do you? i said "well yes i fucking mean it Nikki!" he said

*hey guys how are you???

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