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We are already at me and Nikki's place I look at Slash and said " here's the key me and Axl we'll wait outside" he just look at me with a what the fuck look "what you want me to go in-inside" Slash say "nooo i want Axl to go inside, what do you think dummy of course I want you to go inside...let's be honest she will be more happy to see you than Axl" i say sometimes Slash is kind of stupid i mean i don't know who is more intelligent between him and Steven?!?


I swear if Erin wasn't Nikki best friend i would tell her to shut up but i know Nikki would kill me AND Axl even though there not together....i walk over the door and unlock it i walk in the first thing that caught my attention was black cowboy boots first they look to big for Nikki they look like a male size well whatever i walk where her room is i open the door and see that she's sleeping with a-wait a minute that's Nikki fucking Sixx "wow really Nik!?"i said she woke up and look at me "Slash it's not what you think" she said i saw that there is a tear in her eye's i don't give a fuck if she's crying I'm so mad "oh it's not what i think it is that your sleeping with MY friend!" I said "wha-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SLASH!?!" and now she's yelling at me wow "Slash what are you doing here man-wait you know him Nik?" wow now the goofy ball is talking great i roll my eye even tough they can see cause i'm wearing my sunglasses "you know what i don't even want to hear it what ever we had Nik it's OVER and YOU Sixx fuck you!" I start to walk away


I get up from my bed and try to run but Nikki grab my arm i look at him "LET GO SIXX!!" I said he just look at me and said "you love him uh!?" I started to cry "I'm sorry Nikki....i need to go see him please" i said he let go of my arm and i started to run like crazy thank god it's night so people won't see me cry like a baby and see me run like crazy i just see curl and i know it's him "SLASH" i yell he turn around i run up to him "I'm sorry it's not what you think i swear slash...i-"  "you know what Nikki!?" he said "what!?" i ask "i fucking trusted you!" i cried more "HE'S MY EX SLASH THAT'S MY FUCKING EX!" i said  "it's worst why would you sleep with you ex who is my friend!" he said "you think i didn't feel guilty?" i said he look at me and said nothing I took his glasses of and look him in the eyes "i-i love you Slash" i say and i cry again "fuck i love you Slash ok I've never felt something like that for anyone not even Nikki and i was crazy about him ok! I just i-" he kiss me he pull out from the kiss and say "i love you too Nik" we just look in each other eye's from that moment i knew we were made for each other i felt...that i complete myself i don't it's a weird felling and i love it....

Hello guys i hope you like this chapter!!!
Ps:the next chapter is gonna long asf

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