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                  *WARRING SMUT*


When we got home I decided to go outside to smoke some cigarettes "Nikki...?" Slash said I didn't even heard him coming I didn't even want to look at him he was standing right in front of me "Fuck Nikki...look I'm sorry for what I do okay!?" i look at him and said "Slash you know I don't care if you smoke or drink...but heroin really Slash!?" He didn't even look at me "look I'm scared something bad is gonna happen to you ok...i-i'm scared that you will od an-and if you die...then i don't know what i'm gonna do without you" I started to cry "Nikki-fuck...I'm sorry baby, please look at me" I  shook my head "Nikki please..." and I did I look up to him and give him a hug he kiss my forehead and say "i swear i'm gonna stop" well that's bullshit but anyway  


I really fucked up...
"We should go inside, it's getting pretty late" I said "yeah...your right" she said we walk to go to our room and I needed a quick fix "hey Nik I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" she nodded her head...the second I got into the bathroom I took my needle and my spoon out of my jacket and took the special ingredient under the sink oh shit I almost forgot the lighter 

After I finish my 'quick fix' I came back to the room and found Nikki asleep thank god she was asleep so she couldn't see me high...I'm such asshole we've just got a talk about me doing heroine fuck!


I've just woke up Slash still sleeping and it's currently 4:25pm I know we are heavy sleeper I should probably give a call to Tommy if he want to hangout today yep that's what i'm gonna do
 I walk where the phone is and call Tommy "hey! Tommy" i said "well well well isn't my favorite girl" I laughed "yeah if you say so...hey I was wondering if you would like to hangout today?" I said "umm yeah sure come at my house around 6 if that's good" he said "yeah perfect see you later T" I hang up the phone as I feel two big arm wrap around my waist "who were you talking to?" He said in a sleepy voice "umm...Tommy why?" i turn around so i could see he's pretty face "Just wanted to know" he said he started to kiss my neck it felt good oh boy and I was horny "Slash-you need to stop" i said "why?" 

"Cause..." I'm still Mad about him about yesterday but fuck I don't want him I NEED him he whisper In my left ear and said in a super sexy voice "come on baby I know you want this too" fuck fuck fuck fuck I wrap my arm around his neck and started to kiss him he pick me up and put me on the counter and kiss my neck I fucking moan is name "Slash..." I should be mad at him not fucking on the kitchen counter he took off my shirt and grab my boobs and oh jeez it feel good i moan "you like that don't you?" He ask all I nodded my head he took his boxer off  and oh boy it was 'welcome to the jungle' down there i guess he hasn't shaved yet but i don't care all i care about his is dick inside me i guess i was looking at his dick a little bit to long cause he clear his throat "sorry.." I couldn't stop blushing "it's ok babe it's always been yours anyway" he said fuck fuck fuck that's hot!

Without a warning he slam his dick right on my g-spot "oh fuc-Slash" I'm moaning so hard that I bet the whole Neighborhood could hear us let me tell you that he like it rough he started to go faster "fuc-slash" I moan i bite his neck so "fuck N-Nikki" he moan my name and fuck that was hot "ba-i-close" I wasn't even able to speak correctly "I know baby-fuck!"
I wrap my arm around his neck so he could go deeper "sla-i can't hold it any-" I moan (it's true I couldn't hold it anymore) "fuck cum for me baby-" and that's what I did and I thought he did too but fuck he wasn't  done "Saul-I can't-anymore" I started to cry "fuck" he said all I could do it was moaning and I know my moan driving him crazy "Saul-can't" as I said that he came  we catch our breath  "Holy fuck Nikki that was so good" he said I look at him and give him a kiss "i-i love you Saul..." he look at me and smile "I love you too Nikki" i look on his neck and realize that I made some hickeys "oh shit I made you some mark on your neck-I'm sorry" I said "baby it's fine" he said we look at each other and smile I look at the clock and it was 5:15 pm "shit!" I said "what?" Slash said "well I promise that I would hangout with Tommy at 6 and now it 5:15" I said "well I could drive you if you want" "yeah that would be great" I said

I've just finished to get ready I look at Slash and said "hey why don't you come?"  "Huh?"  " i said why don't you come" "ohh...you sure cause-I don't want to-" he said but I cut him "Slash it's fine and I'm probably sure Tommy is gonna bring Heather, and I don't want third wheeling" i said he look at me and smile "ok yeah sure" he said

*Hii guys look I know it's been a long time but I wasn't feeling well but I promise I'll start to post more <3

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