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January 2, 2001...

i just give birth to my beautiful daughter me and Sixx named her Frankie-Jean Sixx she's so prefect i look at SIxx and smile he give me a kiss "i love you" he said "i love you more" i said yeah when i found out i was pregnant me and Sixx started to date! "i can finally smoke again!" i said Sixx look at me and laugh i give Frankie to Sixx so he can hold her i heard someone knocking at the door "Come in!" Sixx said Tommy open the door he was with Popcorn (Steven) and Lili and my parents! "congrats fuckers!" Tommy said my Mom walk over me and hug me i was still in the bed "I'm so proud of you Nikki, you have no idea" she said a tear fall down my eye "thank you Mom" i said and hug her again

1 month later...

i woke up take a quick shower i got dressed and walk in the living room i see Sixx with Frankie "hey!" i smile and walk over them "oh look Frankie it's Momma" i smile i sit on the couch Nikki kiss my cheek "ok tonight it's date night!" i look at Sixx and raised my eyebrow "date night...who's gonna watch Frankie!?" i said he look at me and smirk please don't tell me who i think it is "Tommy!" he said "What!? babe no! i can't let a kid with my baby!" Sixx laugh "oh come on Frankie is going to be fine! oh and wear something hot!"

later that night...

"where are we going?" i giggle right now i have Sixx hands covering my eyes so i can't se shit! "jesus can you be more patience?" Sixx laugh i shock my head he take off he's hands and see a sing that said 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' "Nikki Sixx, what's going on?" he gets on one knees "look i know we've only been dating for ten months, look i already ask your parents and they said yes, Nikki Jenesse would you make me the honor of being the luckiest man on earth, will you marry me?" he said i nodded my head and cry "fuck yes" he get up and kiss me he then put the ring on my finger

"where are we going?" i giggle right now i have Sixx hands covering my eyes so i can't se shit! "jesus can you be more patience?" Sixx laugh i shock my head he take off he's hands and see a sing that said 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' "Nikki Sixx, what's g...

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Nikki ring!

god i can't believe i'm engagement to Nikki Sixx! wow!

4 years later...

my beautiful Frankie is now 4 years old it's now 2005 time goes fucking fast me and Sixx are fighting to much lately i think he's cheating on me cause he's never home and he's always on the phone and one time i caught him on the phone and he said "i will see you later baby" and after that call he was gone for two days! he told me he was going out for band meeting which is clearly bullshit! i don't understand when guys cheat! like how can you do this to someone you love! anyway!

2 days later...

Sixx came back home late tonight i was watching the TV and see him walking upstairs "let me guess another band meeting" i chuckle "yeah and?" he turn around and see hickeys on his neck "wow let me guess Lee give you hickey too wow such a nice friend!" i get up and walk over him he rolled his eyes "look i don't have time for this i'm tired!" he say i nodded my head "yeah 'tired' i mean your always tired Sixx!" i said he shock his head "look i know what do!" i said he smirk "oh yeah? and what do i do Nikki!" he said "you fucking cheat! that's what you do! fucking asshole!" thank god Frankie was at Lili place! i took off my engagement ring and throw it at him "your crazy!" he said i smirk "oh yeah? well if i'm crazy like you said who's Donna?" he look down "n-no one!" i shock my head "see you can't even look me in the eyes Nikki!" i scoff i took my key car and walk out of the house i get in my car and start to cry wow! i drive to Lili house


yeah well me and Sixx broke up like 2 years ago and i've been single ever since i heard on the news that Slash and Perla broke up too...anyway right now i'm on my way to do some grocery, Frankie was at Sixx! i park my car get out and walk in the store i take a basket and sigh i take some fruits and walk in the aisle i bump into someone "i-I'm so sorry!" i said i look up and see him he took of his sunglasses "Nikki?" he said "Slash..." i'm in shock wow okay... "i heard you and Sixx broke up..." i nod my head "yeah...and i heard about you and Perla.." i said i look down "well we should do something soon you know with my boys and your girl...i really missed you Nikki" he said i nodded my head "i missed you too Slash..." i sigh "okay how about this Sunday?" he said "euh yeah sure why not!" i said "okay cool!" he hug me and walk away

hey guys!!

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