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yeah finally new year new me for good! ever since me and Jayden broke up well all i do is party...every single day and i love it! me and Sixx become great 'friend' with benefit of course! and i just don't care how to live anymore!

"Sixx!!" i run to him and jump in his arms right now i'm at a club in the VIP section of course "Hey baby girl! how was your last shoot!?" he say yeah today was my last day in Playboy "it went great!" i say he leans down and kiss me gosh i can't believe Sixx is 42 and i'm 33 fuck time goes to fast! i wrap my arms around his neck and he wrap his arms around my waist still kissing me he then stop and look at Tommy "Yo Tommy! i'm gonna go home!" Tommy make a thumbs up he was still making-out with some groupie that kinda look like PAm cause yeah him and Pam dated and can you believe that Tommy fucking Lee have kids! Nikki look at me and smirk "let's go have some fun" he whisper in my ear 

at Nikki house...

we went straight to his bedroom he took of my dress and kiss my waist and make his way to my lips i slightly moan  he took off his shirt and is pants and of course he ain't wearing boxer he push me in the bed "your still on the pill?" he ask and i nodded my head without a warning he slam his dick inside me i moan i wrap my arms around his neck "o-oh Sixx" i moan sometimes i miss having sex with Slash well he have a big dick and Sixx don't get me wrong he's doing the job but not like Slash...

"Sl-Nikki" i moan oh shit fuck me! Sixx stop and look at me he look confused "did you called me Slash?" he say i shock my head so fast i think i've never shake my head this fast in my whole life "n-no, i said Nikki! i wanted to say Sixx but i said Nikki!" i say he slowly nod his head "okay.." he start to go fast and faster "Nikki-i" i say "i-k-know" he moan with Nikki it was normal sex even with Jayden! but with Slash it was something else it was rough...and it's like he cared i mean it was not sex it was love jesus why am i even thinking about Slash i mean he moved on! he as a wife! a tear fall down my eyes i really miss Slash alot..."i-know i-m almost done!" Sixx say and he came and i didn't i fake my orgasm he get off of me and kiss my cheek "good night Nik" he say i nod my head 

4 weeks later...

i was supposed to have my period two weeks ago! and it's so weird and i'm never late! i sigh and get up from bed i look at Sixx and he's still sleeping i walk in the bathroom take a shower got out and felt the urge to throw up i and i did Sixx was holding my hair "what's wrong  my love?" Nikki say in a raspy voice i sit on the toilette and oh boy i want to cry i look down and sigh "i think i'm pregnant..." i say i look t him and a tear fall down my eye "w-what...?" i never seen him this shock in my whole life i get up and cross my arms "well i'm late and i always feel like i'm gonna throw up" i say he sigh "holy shit! we're not even dating and you think and were maybe having a kid" he chuckle he was about to kiss me "euh yeah i was about to kiss but umm you just throw up" he chuckle instead of kissing me he kiss my cheek shit! it was not supposed to happened i hope to god i'm not pregnant...

later that day...

i went out and bought a pregnancy test i came back to my house and sit on the toilette, i sigh and take the test i get up wash my hand and i guess i have to wait five minutes i really don't know what i will do if i'm pregnant i'm not even dating Sixx! seriously what am i gonna do! 

i waited five minutes i pick up the test "please don't be positive, please..." i whisper to myself i flip the test and see two line i started to cry "fuck!" what if Sixx doesn't want a kid i mean he already have three! am i even ready to be a Mom? am i even gonna be a good Mom....

2 months later...

Slash pov:

right now i am sitting on the couch watching the TV i was scrolling trough the channel and something caught my attention it was Nikki on the TV..."so we heard rumors about you quitting drinking and smoking, is it true?"  the reporter said Nikki look down and giggle "yeah...well it's true"  she said she look good i mean she look more happy..."oh yeah and why did you quite?" the reporter ask Nik look down and smile "well... i'm pregnant!!"  WHAT!? no there's no way she's having a fucking kid! who's the fucking Dad! the reporter look at Nikki and smile "well congrats! if you don't mind me asking, who's the Dad?" he ask Nikki chuckle "umm Nikki Sixx..." what.the.fuck! she's having a baby with thus trash! "well congrats!" the reporter said i turn off the TV and throw the controller at the wall! "FUCK!" 

hey guys miss me? xoxo 

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