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This morning Slash ask me to come on tour with him, which of course I said yes! I called my boss and told him I'm gonna be gone for few weeks!

Slash told me that popcorn might get kicked out from the band cause he's doing drug none stop gosh i swear if Axl kicked Stevn out i'm gonn start a war with that fucker!

I walk in the room where's the snake and feed them I feel two arms around my waist

"Hey baby, you look so hot right now" he Say I turn around and smile "oh yeah?" I say I put my arms around his neck and kiss him

"You know tomorrow where going on tour" he say are you kidding we haven't pack anything and the tour start tomorrow!

"But you told me the tour starts next week?" I say he sigh "I know but our manager changed the plan" he say I roll my eyes "are fucking serious Slash!? We haven't pack anything" I said

"I know baby, I know" he kiss me and kiss my neck "babe it's not the time for this.." I moan he look at me and nodded "yeah you're right.." he sigh

We walk out of the room and go to our room I started to pack my things and Slash did the same "um..babe?" He say

I look at him and smile "yeah..?" I say
"Umm..who's gonna watch the snakes?" He say oh shit! "Wow I forgot about the snakes" I chuckle I look down well maybe Sixx..Ok I know he HATE snakes but- "so..?" Slash say

I sigh "Sixx..?" I say Slash look at me and chuckle "no, there's no way he's gonna watch my snakes" Slash say "look I know he hates Snakes but-"

"See right there, he hates snakes Nik there's no way that's gonna work" Slash say yeah he's right i look down "look I know a friend, she's know how to deal with snakes" he say

She!? Who the fuck is she i look at Slash and give him a confused look "who is it?" I say I didn't want to sound jealous or anything "it's umm, Renee i think you've meet her at my birthday party" he say oh yeah I remember her!

*Next Day*

"Baby wake up we have to go" he say
I look at the clock and see 6:30 AM gosh I want to kill myself one thing I don't understand is that people waking up early every single fucking day!

"Give me five more minutes.." I say in a raspy voice "no Nik our driver is already" he say i make a big sigh and get up

I put on one of Slash shirt and a pair of jeans I put my hair I'm a bun I walk I light up a cigarette and open my Red Bull I get in the car and I look at Slash "what..?" I smile "nothing..you look beautiful" he say I blush "no I'm not.." I say "yes you are in fact you're sexy" he say gosh this man know how to make me blush

He get on him and kiss his neck "gosh I fucking love you Nikki!" He say I giggle I kiss his jaw Slash put his hand on my hips and kiss my neck and I moan i heard the car door opened "fuck it's to early for this!" It was Izzy I laugh "hey Izz" I say

"Yeah hey!" He say I get of Slash Izzy look at me and Slash "soo, are you guys always like this in the morning?" He say I blush and look away Slash chuckle

*HEY GUYS!!!!!

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